Chapter 17

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Hey guys!

Thanks for the support so far! Here's the next chap :)

This chap is dedicated to TheRiverRunsDeep for her great support so far! :D 

Julia :)


Chapter 17

The sound of metal ware and glass awoke me from my sleep. I let my hands roam the spaces beside me, expecting to find two particular people but all I came across were unfolded blankets and cold sheets. I groaned.

I am so late.

After waking up, I found the rest in the middle space between the tents. They were sitting on logs that weren’t here before. They were surrounding a pile of wood that would be burned for later.

  “And the sleeping beauty awakes,” Chase announced, causing all heads to whip to my direction.

  “Shut up,” I yawned, taking a seat next to Nikki.

  “Here,” Kris passed me some biscuits. I munched on them. They were delicious.

  “So what’s the plan?” I asked, obviously all of them knew already, considering I am late.

  “We’re going to go walk around the forest until evening, then go swim in the waterfall, then light a camp fire.” Ash stated. All previous history of us seemed forgotten. And I liked it like that.

  “Sounds good,” I said, taking another biscuit from the packet.

  “Let’s go.” Chase said. “Oh yes, we all have codenames since we’re in the forest. It’s all based on Hunger Games characters if you don’t mind. I am Cato-” Nikki laughed. Chase shot her a ‘what?’ look. “Alex is Finnick, Ash is Haymitch-”

  “Why Haymitch?” Ash cut off Chase. Chase gave him the ‘whatever’ look.

  “Nikki is Johanna, Kris is Annie,” Nikki looked at him wide-eyed but otherwise stayed silent.

  “Annie?” Kris asked.

  “It’s just names, you guys.” Chase scoffed then continued, “And lastly,” He paused dramatically with big eyes, “Jake is Peeta and Rose is Katniss. Yes, guys, the star-crossed lovers from District 12.”

  “God, Chase,” Jake scowled.

  “Now that that’s done,” Chase said, “Go get your stuff and let’s go rebels.”

We all dispersed and got our bag packs. Leaded by Chase, we matched into the silent forest. I and Jake lurked at the back while the rest were either in the front or in the middle.

  “Cato, where are we going?” Nikki said, dragging the word Cato on purpose.

  “We’re just circling around the camp, hunt some animals maybe, the head back.” Chase said.

  “We brought weapons?” I asked.

  “Yes, Katniss,” Chase said, humoring himself, “We even brought you a bow and arrow!”

  “We just brought knives and some nets,” Alex clarified, “But Ch-Cato still insisted on the bow and arrow.”

  “Good boy, Finnick!” Chase said, messing Alex’s hair while Alex scowled.

  “We’ve got company, guys.” Nikki said.

  “Johanna, lead the way!” Chase said enthusiastically, moving aside for Nikki to lead us.

Jake and I walked slowly a little. We were in a comfortable silence. But our names has no doubt arise suspicion in me that Chase knows how we feel about each other. That made me a little uncomfortable.

We liked each other. But no one knows, and that’s a good thing. But I wasn’t sure.

Up ahead, we reached a stream. Nikki told us she saw a deer in front. I didn’t get it, the rest were vampires too, and why couldn’t they see what Nikki saw? Mm…weird…

  “Some vampires have gifts, Katniss,” Chase spoke up suddenly, “Johanna’s is super eyesight.”

  “Right…” How the hell did he know? Must be the confusion clear on my face, I guess.

  “My gift is reading minds.” Chase coughed, humored. I looked at him wide-eyed. He was smirking.

Wait, does this mean…he knows our feelings? No he can’t. God, all my embarrassing thoughts! Especially about me liking- Twinkle, twinkle little star! How I wonder what you are? Up above the world so high! Like a diamond in the sky!

I continued singing the song when I felt Chase’s gaze burning through me. I couldn’t let him know…unless he already knew. I switched songs a few times and sang it repeatedly in my head until I heard Chase scoff and walk ahead. I sighed in relief. Jake smirked.

  “Get’s on your nerves, right?” Jake said.

  “Oh yes,” I groaned.

  “Of all the people, he had to have the mind-reading gift too.” Jake laughed while shaking his head.

  “Too?” I asked.

  “My gift’s the same.” My jaw dropped. Then, he must know all those things I thought about while we were walking.

Ugh. Why? Why must I be this unlucky? Now, they both can access my personal thoughts. And the best part is I can’t do a single thing about it. I mentally face palmed.

  “You can block us from your mind, you know.” Jake said, laughing.

  “How?” I looked up, keen.

  “Kr- I mean, Annie can teach you how.” Jake said.

  “Oh, thanks,” I said, making a mental note to ask her later.

Then we catch up with the rest who were near. I was looking down the whole time I didn’t realize our group stopped and I walked straight into Ash’s back. I was ready to fall on my butt so I closed myself and waited for the fall.

…Except that the fall didn’t come.

I felt a pair of arms circled around my waist. I opened my eyes to see Jake holding me while Ash looking at me concerned.

  “You okay?” Jake’s husky voice echoed in my head.

  “Yeah,” Then I got out of his grasp slowly, enjoying the presence of it.

His arms felt so nice around me. But I pushed away all thoughts of it, cautious of Jake and Chase. Apparently, Nikki had halted us and she was perched on a rock, eyes looking ahead. All we could see were some mist, trees and the stream. It was a little blurry too.

Nikki took my bow and arrow and aimed. Then, she released the arrow. We then marched ahead.

True enough, she took down a deer. Chase tied it and secured it on his shoulder before we all headed back to our campsite. Nikki was pretty proud of her catch.

By the time we reached back our campsite, it was around evening; the perfect time for a nice swim. 

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