Chapter 20

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Hey guys!

Here's the next chapter. Sorry for not uploading on Weds! I was dead tired :/

Julia :)


Chapter 20

I stood at the edge of what was once our camp and placed my hands on my hips. The tents were long gone and all that was left was the remains of our campfire. I glanced at the waterfall and sighed. I was going to miss this place.

I fiddled with my button down shirt as I turned away from the campsite and followed the rest.

Halfway along the way, Ash slowed down to my pace. I didn’t want to speak to him, especially not after he sang his heart out to me but I didn’t feel the same way. I didn’t want to feel bad.

  “So, how are things with Anna?” I didn’t want to delay this further, nor do I want it too straightforward.

  “Um…um we’re o-okay,” He lied. I mentally rolled my eyes.

  “Ash, how are things with Anna?” He noted I knew he lied. “Have you talked to her at all?”

  “U-um we do…a little…” He shoved his hands in his pockets.

  “Ash,” I said firmly.

  “Ok ok fine, we haven’t talked at all since.” Ash said tiredly and sadly.

  “Why?” I asked in disbelief, “Please, Ash, I know you still love her!”

  “I can’t, Rose,” He muttered, “I still like you.”

  “You like me but you love her!” I cried, “Ash, if you want me to be happy, you have to go to Anna.”

  “That will make you happy?” Ash asked.

  “Yes, Ash,” I suddenly remembered the night after he took me out on a date and the way he kissed me…, “Please. I don’t want to do this again.”

  “Alright,” He said, “If that makes you happy.”

It broke my heart to talk to him about that again. But yes, that was what I wanted. I was sure.


Jake, Alex, Kris and I were outside of Carrington. We decided to have Thai for dinner. Nikki and Chase were too tired and Ash wanted to do some last minute catching-up with his studies, but I knew why he didn’t come.

When it came to seating, I purposely made Kris sit opposite Alex, where she could stare at him all she wanted. I smirked at the thought. I was playing cupid.

  “Man, the camping trip wore me out!” Alex said as he stretched. Kris was staring at him while I smirked.

  “Heck it did,” Jake said.

  “My whole body is sore,” Kris complained.

  “Next time, we go somewhere else,” I suggested and they all nodded in agreement.

Halfway throughout the dinner, I remembered about my money. My hands went to my lap to reach for my purse but it wasn’t there. Then realization hit me in the face. I left my purse in the car. I mentally face-palmed myself for being so forgetful. I needed to pay a quarter of the bill. I wasn’t going to let them pay for me.

  “Guys, I left my purse in the car, excuse me,” I got up. “Alex, can I have the keys?”

  “Yeah, sure,” He produced a jumble of keys from his pocket after rummaging around in it. I was about to start walking but Jake out his hand on my arm, stopping me.

  “Do you want me to come with you?” He asked, concerned.

  “Its okay, Jake,” I sighed, putting his arm away, “It’s just a short walk.”

That seemed to relieve him. I then walked out into the chilly night air. Walking in the cold night air made me regret not bringing a jacket, considering I was only wearing a flare tank top, jean shorts and pumps. I made a mental note to myself.

Halfway walking to the car, I realized how far Alex parked. Well, the restaurant was quite a hit and it was a weekend, figures. I sighed, looking down and playing with the car keys.

When I finally reached the car, I unlocked it and opened the back seat. My black purse was sitting on the leather seats. I crawled in and grabbed it with difficulty. Then, I shut the door, locked the car and headed back to the restaurant.

Suddenly, a pair of hands covered my mouth and wrapped around my waist. I tried to scream but his hand was covering my mouth. Even though it was muffled, Jake or somebody could have heard it but I was far away from the restaurant, so they most probably couldn’t. I thrashed my hands and kicked my legs but that only made the person behind me hold me tighter. He was practically half dragging and half carrying me backwards.

I screamed my throat out. I was getting kidnapped!

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