Chapter 29

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Hello excellent writers!

This is the second-last chapter :/ next chapter is the last :|

I'd like to say THANK YOU to everyone who has supported me and has been reading this! I really appreciate it, no, seriously, I do. This means a lot to me.


read on :B

Julia :)


Chapter 29

I wore a pair of diamond studded earrings that my mom had given to me before I left. It matched my white strapless dress perfectly. I paired the outfit with black peep toe pumps. I wonder where we’d be going today.

Just then, as I was about to walk out the dorm, I caught a glance at the calendar sitting on the kitchen counter. It must’ve been new. I hadn’t noticed it before.

Red scribbling on a certain date caught my attention. I walked to the calendar and examined it. I gasped. The circled, highlighted and scribbled on date was my birthday. I had completely forgotten about it. Kris remembered.

After getting over the shock, I proceeded to meet Jake at the Entrance Building. I wonder if he knows when my birthday was. I don’t remember ever telling him.

I looked around but Jake was nowhere in sight. I frowned. Just as I was about to turn around, two arms circled around my waist and someone rested their head on my shoulder. Jake.

I smiled and turned around. He looked smart in a tux; looks like we’re going somewhere formal. Good thing I dressed up nicely.

  “Where are we going?” I said, putting my hands around his neck as his rested around my waist.

  “For me to know and for you to find out,” He said and I pouted.

  “Don’t worry,” He said huskily. “It’s a nice surprise.”

  “Good,” I said, pecking him on the lips quickly before trying to squirm out of his grasp.

  “You don’t get away like that,” He growled and planted a kiss on my lips.

I realized we were going far. After about one hour, we still haven’t reached our destination. I grew tired. My eyes struggled to keep open. It was not a very nice feeling. Jake noticed.

  “You can sleep,” Jake said softly, “I’ll wake you when we reach.”

  “Ok,” I said as I leaned back against the comfortable seat.

I don’t know how long I slept for. But I found myself awoken not by Jake, but by loud sounds. I blinked my eyes a few times and I realized the car had stopped moving. Jake was outside of the car, talking to somebody I didn’t know.

I looked straight and found that we were at…the airport? What are we doing here? I realized the loud noises were actually airplane sounds. I sat up straighter and jumped when Jake’s car door opened.

  “Oh, you’re awake.” He said, getting in.

  “Why are we at the airport?” I asked, keen.

  “You’ll see.” He started the car and drove on the grey vast floor.

We passed by huge airplanes. I counted them as we drove by them. Jake seemed to be driving around the place freely. It bothered me a little bit. What if the airplanes hit us or something?

I was too lost in my thoughts when Jake stopped the car. He got out and opened the door for me. Wind whipped my hair around as I struggled to tame it. Jake held my hand and led me up an airplane.

Inside, there were not many seats. I realized this wasn’t a normal airplane. But, I was fascinated and excited. We reached a door and being the gentleman Jake was, he let me enter first. I gasped.

There were two seats and a table in between them. The room was dimly lit but yet spacious. It was so romantic. I looked to Jake and grinned.

  “This is amazing!” I cried. He closed the door after him and placed a hand on my back, guiding me to one of the seats.

  “I told you, you would like it,” He said, pulling out a chair for me. I sat down nicely, still in awe.

  “Wait, why are we on a plane? Are we going somewhere?” I asked, curious. He sat down, grinning.

  “You’ll have to wait and see,” Jake said, “Meanwhile, I know you’re hungry.”

  “Yes I am,” I confirmed, as my stomach grumbled embarrassingly.

A few minutes later, a waiter brought in two platters of food. Both were spaghetti bolognaise. And they tasted delicious. I didn’t know airplane food could taste this good! Oh wait, this isn’t a normal airplane.

  “Jake,” He looked up at me with his beautiful eyes, “How did you get an airplane like this?”

  “This is my family’s private jet,” He answered and chuckled when my eyes when as big as the moon.

  “Right, you’re rich,” I muttered.

  “I prefer to be labeled as financially stable,” He admitted shyly. I laughed. I looked out the window but I only see blackness.

  “What time is it?” I asked, having an internal battle with tiredness.

  “You should be going to bed,” He checked his watch and frowned. “Don’t freak but our date is going to last for two days. I planned everything. Somebody will bring you to your room in the jet to sleep.”

  “Wow,” I froze. He really thought this through, “Wait, what about my clothes?”

  “Don’t worry,” He assured, grabbing me hand gently, “Like I said, I have everything planned out.”

True to his words, I was directed to my room. It wasn’t super big but it was a jet anyway. There was a super single bed and a wardrobe, all modernly furnished. In the wardrobe lay a tank top and shorts, which is what I presumed was my pyjamas. There were some dresses but I didn’t bother to check them, I was tired.

The minute I hit the bed, I was fast asleep.

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