Chapter 10

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Hey guys! 

I AM SO SORRY! I WILL DO ANYTHING! I AM SO SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE ON TIME :( that's why I am going to post two chapters today. School just started again and the teachers are already giving me homework, which sucks. :|

Julia :)


Chapter 10

It was Saturday. Kris had been dying to bring me to this new store that opened at the mall. And since Alex and I haven’t been spending much time together, he wanted to follow. He was going to meet us at the Entrance Building.

I had made some sandwiches for Kris and me. It was 8:30, we were due to meet Alex at 9, and Kris hasn’t made a dramatic appearance yet. Worried, I knocked on her door before entering. I scoffed.

She was standing beside her bed with an unsure look on her face, with her hands on her hips, in a robe. On the bed lay two dresses. One of the dresses was a red floral print dress while the other was an orange halter sundress. The door clicked and she looked to me, hope glinting in her eyes.

  “ROSE!” She cried, dragging me to her, “Help me. The red floral or the orange halter?”

  “Oh um…uh…” I looked at the dresses. “The orange halter,”

  “Thank you, Rose! You saved my life!” Kris engulfed me into a bone-crushing hug that was inhuman. My air supply was cut off.

  “K-Kris, d-dying h-here,” I choked out and she let go of me. I collapsed to the ground, coughing.

  “I am so sorry! God, I forgot! Sorry, Rose!” She cried frantically, kneeling down to help me up.

  “Just wear the dress!” I coughed. “We’re gonna be late.”

  “Right right, I’ll meet you out.” She quickly took off her robe and slipped on the orange halter. It was so quick by the time I reached the door she was right behind me. “I am done,”

After our sandwiches, we left to the Entrance Building. The girls’ dorm corridor looked empty and quiet, it seemed like everyone was out. Kris seemed oblivious to this and we dashed to Entrance Building, 5 minutes late.

We caught Alex standing, looking around while catching glances at his watch. When he spotted us, he breathed a sigh of relief and engulfed me into another air-supply-cutting hug. What was wrong with people today? Engulfing me into inhuman hugs?

  “You guys are late,” Alex stated simply, releasing me. I sucked in a breath of air.

  “Sorry, we ran into a fashion crisis.” Kris said simply, fixing her dress a bit.

  “Right,” Alex muttered, “Girls.”

Apparently, the school offered transport to students who wanted to go out. No wonder the whole school seemed deserted. They had no reason not to go out. I mean, if you see the chance of freedom, you’ll sure darn take it.

When we reached the mall, we walked and shopped, trying on clothes here and there. For a guy, Alex didn’t seem to mind going shopping with girls. He gave his opinion quite bluntly. That making quite an impact on the number of clothes we bought. I quote Kris, “If a guy doesn’t like what he sees, don’t buy it.” I, of course, didn’t follow her words of wisdom.

After shopping all morning, after lunch, we settled with a game of bowling. It was Alex’s idea. We got our shoes and bought a lane. Not surprisingly, we met Chase, Jake, Ash and a girl named Nikki. She was a pretty brunette.

After introduction, I found out that Nikki is Chase’s childhood friend. Their lane was right next to ours. Chase then told us of his tradition of which the person with the least score would have to buy dinner. Everyone groaned. But I wasn’t all that bad, I was a little badass bowler myself.

My name was the last in my lane, so was Jake’s. When it was our turn, I chose my ball and prepared to bowl. I couldn’t lose to Jake. No way. Jake threw the ball the same time I threw mine. Both at lightning speed and both…striking, earning claps and whistles from our friends. I looked to Jake and we both smirked at each other, he, obviously impressed with my badass skills.

It was the same streak all the way; sometimes missing one pin and no more. It was terribly ironic how Chase ended up with the lowest score. Kris’s score beat him by one point. Chase still couldn’t stop huffing and fuming about how one pin made a difference at all. Kris was smiling all the way.

Ash had suggested a ‘legendary’ pizza place and we all agreed. He had his arm around my waist the whole time. But we weren’t official yet or anything.

When we reached the pizza place, Jake received a call and then said he had to leave because of some issues. His face was convincing so I didn’t know whether he was lying or not, it was hard to tell.

Suddenly, I had the urge to go to the toilet. Kris offered to come with me so I let her. I swear I heard Chase mutter something about why girls had to go to the toilets together. I and Kris just walked off.

When I was done, I waited outside the ladies toilet. Looking around, I realized the door next to the ladies bathroom led to a stairwell. It was quite dark too but the door had a tiny window. I crept my way to the door and looked through the window. Straining my eyes, I noticed two silhouettes close to each other leaning against the wall.

Curiosity was getting the best of me so I opened the door a tiny bit. It got clearer…a little. It seemed like two people making out. The man had his back turned to me, so most of his body was blocking my view from the girl but I could tell she was blonde. Their moaning made me gag but then suddenly, the girl let out a small scream. But the man used on of his hands to cover her mouth. His mouth was at her neck.

I wasn’t quite sure what the guy was doing but slowly, the girl stopped struggling and eventually collapsed to the floor. The man towered over her unconscious body. Was she dead? I didn’t know for sure. Then, the man kneeled down beside her and touched her forehead with the tip of his fingers. I panicked! What was he doing? Was he killing her or something? But my body did the thing I least expected it to do.

I opened the door wider, entered and yelled at the man.

  “HEY!” I yelled and then quickly covered my mouth. Shit. Shit.

The man turned around and lunged for me. At that moment, the door clicked shut behind me as though on cue. Crap. He trapped me against the door and then before I knew it, I felt something sharp pierce my skin on my neck. I tried to scream but my voice caught in my throat. I was sure I was going to die.

Then, the pain stopped. The man looked up to me and then I gasped, tears were present in my eyes. The man also looked shocked, his eyes wide, mouth dripping with blood.

It was Jake. I was sure of that but I wasn’t sure what he was. That was all I thought of before I blacked out.

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