Chapter 15

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Hey guys!

Here's another chapter.

Julia :)


 Chapter 15

It was the night before the camping trip. Jake, Chase and Nikki had gone ‘hunting’. I understood completely. I wouldn’t want any of them lunging for me the way Jake did. The thought of when Jake bit me made me shudder. Kris had said to have secret stash of blood that she wouldn’t share; she was hesitant to leave me alone.

She was drinking her blood from a bottle like it was water while we were chilling on the couch. We just finished checking our super long checklist. Chase had scoffed at us when he saw it.

  “Is it really Chase’s birthday on the last day of our camp?” I asked, switching channels.

  “Yeah,” Kris answered, taking another big gulp.

  “He really makes a big deal out of his birthday,” I commented.

  “Come on, he’s Chase Redford.” Kris looked at me.

Suddenly, everything went pitch black. We were silent for a while. I couldn’t see anything, and I don’t think Kris could too.

  “This sucks,” Kris said, but I could hear her still drinking her bottle of blood. I giggled.

  “I’ll go check outside, see if the whole academy’s out.” I leaned forward and managed to get hold of my phone. Using the light, I made my way out of the girls’ dormitory.

There were students lurking around the school, but very little. I figured the rest would be back by now so the first place I could think of that they went to was the Carrington Mansion.

It was hard getting through the forest, not to mention scary. But luckily, the path was straight. The Carrington Mansion gate opened automatically and I found the main door opened. Weird, I thought. Nevertheless, I went inside. The house was lighted dimly by flickering back-up lights. The lights occasionally went off, but came back on.

Soon enough, I found the living room in which Kris told me that they were vampires. It was empty, sadly. But I couldn’t help but feel a little scared, the house, for all I know, could be plain empty and here was I wandering the eerie hallways.

Just as I was about to leave, a hand covered my mouth and my scream was muffled. I was thrown onto the sofa roughly and a torchlight was shone directly into my eyes. I squeezed my eyes shut immediately, the brightness taking me by surprise.

  “Rose?” I recognized Chase’s voice. I opened one of my eyes and saw that the torchlight was shone away from my face.

  “Yes, please don’t do that ever again,” I sighed in relief.

  “What are you doing here?” Jake’s husky voice sounded from behind me, I whipped my head around.

  “Searching for you guys,” I said simply, “I figured you guy’s be here, I wanted to tell you about the blackout, I didn’t realize it blacked out here too.”

  “Oh,” Nikki’s voice startled me, my heart jumped. “Sorry. We were back a few minutes ago. We posed you as a threat, sorry about the welcome.” Chase put his hands in the air, surrendering.

  “It’s okay,” I said, “Well now that you guys are fine, I’d better head back to my dorm, Kris is waiting.”

  “We’ll follow,” Chase said.

Chase and Nikki raced each other to the dorms, using, of course, vampire speed, leaving me and Jake walking back in human pace. He had his hands in his pocket, while I fiddled with the hem of my shirt while walking.

  “Why are you fiddling with your shirt?” He asked casually, taking me by surprise.

  “Just nervous,” I blurted out.

  “You’re nervous around me?” Jake smirked.

  “N-no, I just, I-,” He looked at me, still smirking, “Y-yes, fine.”

  “So you like me I guess?” He said, still smirking, somehow. He was enjoying this, no doubt. My blush was heating up my face.

  “I-I-am not answering,” I muttered, looking away.

  “Don’t worry, I know I am hard to resist,” He smirked. I scoffed, boys and their big egos.

  “You’re so annoying,” I muttered and he chuckled. His husky voice sending shivers throughout me.

When we reached the entrance of the dorm, we stopped.

  “Good night,” I said, wanting to walk off, but he grabbed my wrist.

  “Good night, Rose,” I admit I liked the way he said my name.

Then, he did the unthinkable. He leaned down slowly. I thought he was going to kiss me. My breath got caught in my throat and the whole world seemed to freeze.

He let go of my wrist. My heart was threatening to beat out my chest. He was so close. Then, I realized I wasn’t ready. He might just break my heart or something. And how would I know if he had any feelings for me?

Just as he was about to kiss me, I turned my head and he kissed my cheek. He smirked but I could tell he was shocked, surprised by my actions. I wasn’t just about to give in so easily, I couldn’t be so easy.

 Then, I walked back to the dorm, smiling at him before I went out of sight.

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