Chapter 13

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Hey guys!

I am so sorry if this chapter is so short. Please don't turn up at my house at gunpoint.

Julia :)


Chapter 13

I woke up to the sound of loud music from Kris’s bedroom. Something told me today was Saturday…already. Suddenly, it stopped, I sighed. But not long after, Kris barged into my room while I was changing. I asked her to get out but she didn’t bother, insisting that we were both girls and it was okay.

  “Is Alex coming with us to the mall today?” She asked. With a sense of…hope?

  “No. Why?” I asked, then with a sly smile I pushed, “Do you want him to?”

  “O-Oh no, God no, Rose!” She lied, her eyes not meeting mine. I smirked.

  “Is that a crush I sense?” I asked, smirking playfully, wearing my skinny jeans.

  “N-no,” She muttered, her cheeks flaming.

  “Just admit it, Kris, you like Alex.” I said, sitting with her on the bed, wearing my beanie.

  “I-uh-n-no, I mean…” She looked at me, “Ok fine! I give up! I like Alex.” She sighed.

  “Tell him, then!” I pestered.

  “I can’t, Rose,” She said, sadly, playing with her fingers.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Rose, I am vampire, he isn’t. And he knows. He won’t like me back, Rose. He won’t.” She said, sadly, glancing at me.

  “You have to try, Kris, you never know.” She just needed courage.

  “Someday, Rose, someday…” Kris said.


Shopping with Kris was drop-dead tiring. The girl seemed to have ever flowing stamina. Well of course, she was a vampire anyway. After shopping, I wandered off to the library, hopefully getting some peace of mind.

The first floor was mainly study books. I didn’t need that so I went to the second floor, where the more interesting books lay. I walked up the magnificent spiral stairs up to the second floor and started walking around.

The racks were arranged through categories. The library looked like it held over a million books or more. Every rack was neatly arranged, not one coming out of order or messed. Most of the racks were tall and almost reached the ceiling.

As I came across some fiction books, I walked slowly, occasionally picking out a book that looked interesting. As I reached near the middle of the aisle, I heard voices. I paused.

The voices seemed to come from the aisle next to me. It was not too loud but loud enough for me to hear. I had to softly pull out a few books before there was a gap where I could see them. When I peeped in, I saw the short blonde hair I could recognize anywhere; it was Ash. I positioned myself to a good angle to see the other girl, a redhead. They seemed like they were…arguing?

  “Ash, come on, be reasonable! You’d leave me for that new bitch!” She said, venom dripping on the word ‘bitch’. I flinched. I knew she was referring to me. Who else?

  “Do not call her that!” Ash cried, “And we were done, Anna!”

  “I know you still love me because I still love you! I can’t live without you, Ash, please.” Anna said, now sounding like she was pleading, her voice sincere.

  “I won’t come back to you, Anna; I won’t hurt Rose even though we’re not official yet.” Ash said.

  “So if she was out of the way you’d be with me?” Anna said, hope clear in her voice.

  “N-no I,” Ash started and I couldn’t hear it anymore. I back away and clumsily ran to the third floor.

I aimlessly ran. When I thought I was hidden well enough behind some shelves, I listened for the sound of any footsteps but there weren’t any. My heart pace immediately slowed down. I slumped down and hugged my legs to my chest, leaning against a bookshelf. Then, I cried.

If it weren’t for me, his relationship with Anna, or whoever she is, might still have a chance. I liked him no doubt, but did I love him? I didn’t think so.

I knew what I had to do even though it hurt me to do so.

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