Chapter 22

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Hello people!

I present you chapter 22 :B By the way, do you guys read the Hunger Games?

Julia :)


Chapter 22

I got out of the van but Lyle quickly stood behind me, watching my every move. I scoffed mentally. It’s not like I could run anywhere anyway. I have no idea where the hell we where. And wandering around at night? That’s totally off my list of options.

Sean and Ryan walked ahead me and Lyle. They entered the house casually. I figured this is where they lived. They then directed me up a staircase, through some hallways and finally reaching a room with big wooden doors.

  “You’re going to see Jon.” Lyle said. Who the hell was Jon? I gave him a questioning look when I turned back to look at him. He just mouthed for me to keep quiet.

Then, Ryan pushed open the doors and we were greeted by a gust of cold air. I could see the room inside was big and modern. Sat in the middle of the room was a dark wood office table and there was a man sitting on a black chair behind it. He looked to be reaching his 40s. He had a small smile on his face which somehow made me feel less nervous. I think he was Jon.

He stood up and ushered us to a living room area on the left side of the room. There were two modern sofas and a coffee table in between them. He sat on one of them while Lyle, me, Sean and Ryan sat on the other. Talk about power.

  “Hello, Rose,” He greeted, his voice deep.

  “H-hello,” What else must I say?

  “I am Jon,” He said. “I am sure you’ve met them?” He pointed towards the rest of the people on the same sofa.

  “Yes,” I answered.

  “Don’t be scared,” He said, “We aren’t going to hurt you. We just need you for something. And I am sure Lyle has explained, yes?”

  “Yes,” I answered again.

  “We rogues have been misunderstood and we can’t take it much longer.” Jon said calmly. “Thank you for understanding.”

  “Sure,” I muttered.

  “Sean and Ryan, please direct Rose to her room,” He talked to the twins, “Please do not hesitate if you need anything. See you later Rose.”

I nodded and we all dispersed. Lyle disappeared to another room while Sean and Ryan led me through endless hallways. We finally came across a room and led me in. It was a room that was themed black and different shades of red. It was stylish and spacious. I thought I was being kidnapped and not staying in an awesome house?

  “Wow,” I gaped at the room. Ryan went to sit on a chair in the room while Sean closed the door and sat on the fluffy bed.

  “What?” Ryan asked.

  “This room is amazing,” I entered the toilet. It was square but spacious. There was even a Jacuzzi! I had to cover my mouth with my hand to prevent me from screaming.

  “All the rooms here are mostly like this,” Ryan shrugged.

  “This doesn’t feel like kidnapping at all,” I went to the bed and plopped on it, Sean was sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “What’d you expect?” Sean asked. “Windowless rooms and handcuffs?”

  “Um…kind of,” I smiled sheepishly.

  “Well, like we said, we don’t kill for no reason, we just need you so Robert Carrington takes this seriously and not as a joke.” Sean explained again.

  “Yes, I know,” I lied down on the ever-so-soft bed and sighed in comfort.

  “We’ll call Robert Carrington tomorrow,” Sean assured.

  “Ok,” I muttered.

Actually, I didn’t mind being here. They were so not kidnapper like. They treated me like I was some kind of special guest and even gave me a huge room! I wasn’t complaining or anything.

But then, what about my friends? They should be worried like hell about me. I haven’t even contacted them, not like I could anyway. What about Jake? My heart ached. I wanted to see him.

Ryan and Sean were silent. It started to feel awkward so I engaged into conversation.

  “You guys are vampires right?” I asked randomly.

  “Yeah,” They replied.

  “Do you have gifts?” I asked, curious. Jake and Chase’s gift were cool.

  “Nah,” They mumbled.

  “Oh.” I couldn’t think of a better answer.

  “You know it’s almost 12am, right?” Ryan asked casually.

  “Oh it is?” It was kind of dark… “It’s not like I could’ve checked. I dropped my purse when Lyle caught me. My phone was in there.” I said.

  “Well, either way we would’ve taken your phone anyway.” Ryan said matter-of-factly.

  “That’s mean,” I stated.

  “Well kidnapping also includes no contact to the outside.” Ryan argued.

  “Right,” I muttered, frowning.

  “You should get some sleep, Rose.” Sean said.

  “Good thinking,” I went under the sheets and enjoyed the softness of the bed sheets and pillows.

After a while, I realized they were still there. I felt a little awkward. They seemed to be looking everywhere but at each other. Sean was playing with his hands.

  “Shouldn’t you guys go?” I asked, startling Ryan.

  “Shouldn’t you be asleep?” Ryan retorted.

  “How can I sleep if there are two men in my room?” I said.

  “Right,” Sean said, “Ryan, let’s go.”

  “Good night,” I mumbled.

  “Sweat dreams,” Sean said as they left and switched off the lights.

Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

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