Irresistibly Sweet

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Tyler Gray

"Hey Evan, have you seen Tamie?" I asked, toying with the silver strap of my phone. It was the last day of school. Kids were already heading home, going to the mall, or each other's houses to hang out. It's always like this. The noise is impossible to ignore. Everywhere you see groups laughing, talking about nonsense, and goofing around. I sat atop the brick wall that surrounded the school, looking at the orange sun slowly taking it's leave. My pal was leaning against the asleep.

"Evan," I nudged him with my dangling foot, earning an unattractive snore from him as he grumbled himself awake. "What?" he asked.

"I asked if you've seen Tamie," I said.

"Haven't seen her, why?"

"It's nothing," I said, frowning at the group of girls that suddenly took a shot at me with their phone. Women. They fear me and ignore me but take stupid secret shots. Pathetic.

Tamie was supposed to give me some goods... I wonder where she is... She's usually here at this time of the day, waiting for her troublesome older sister, Jane. That woman thinks I'll eat her sister. But no, I would never do that. Tamie looks nothing like chocolate.

"Tyler!" said a tiny voice. I glanced in it's direction and found a running little cupcake heading towards me. I didn't jump down once she reached me, I prefer it when she tries to get me down. "Hey!!!" she huffed after failing to grab my foot.

"You're late," I said.

"It's because of Jane!" she pouted, "She wouldn't let me go to you."

I glanced at her sister who was standing under a tree, watching Tamie warily. I sighed, We've managed to keep our little friendship a secret for about a year, but last month, Jane found out that her precious little sister hangs out with me.

I looked at the seven-year-old child and frowned. "Maybe we should hit her head with the trash bin." I reconsidered, "Or drug her so she won't interfere with our precious little business..."

She smiled at the offer, "No, I'll get rid of her myself."

I laughed. "Well, good luck with that." I jumped down, landing on the spot next to where Evan already fell back into his sweet slumber. Sometimes, I wonder what goes on in his dreams. Especially when he smiles creepily.

I crouched down and pinched Tamie's cheeks, "So, are we here to exchange or what?"

"We extwange! I bwought wha' wou ast fow," she said as I continued to stretch and un-stretch her cheeks. I smirked approvingly and took out the pack of gummie bears from my bag. Her big black eyes glittered and she swung her bag and settled it in front of her belly as she rummaged through it's contents. She brought out a pink cardboard box that had the logo of their shop. She smiled at me and held them out.

I took then at the same time she took the gummie bears.

I opened the box and surely the twelve piece of delectable chocolate goods sat invitingly inside. "You're really creepy when you drool like that," Evan said yawning.

"Shut up," I said turning to Tamie and patting her head. "You better run back to your worry-wart of a sister. She might call the cops on me for child abuse or something," I joked. Tamie frowned, "She wouldn't do that 'cause you're a good guy Tyler."

She seemed sad, making me regret the little joke, but Jane was holding her phone readily.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever, run off you little bugger before I eat you and you're newly acquired bears," I said bearing my teeth wickedly. She laughed and clutched the gummies to her chest. She swung her bag behind her and kissed me on the cheek before scuttling off to her stupid sister.

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