You okay?

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Finn Balor is making his entrance to the ring as the crowd is electric. Roman is backstage behind the curtain getting ready. Then it gets quiet, and Roman's music hits. The crowd has some cheers and boos mixed. He walks out smiling.
Charlotte is backstage with the other wrestlers watching this match. Roman walks down to the ring staring Balor in the eye. He gets up, between the ropes and enters. The stare continues and the bell rings. They both go at each other. Roman knocks him down and shows off, the crowd boos. Charlotte smiles along with some others. Then he picks Balor up and shoves him into the ropes. And runs into him, making him fall. Roman walks around looking at the crowd. Balor gets up and Roman turns around. Finn goes after him and Roman moves, causing Finn to go into the ropes. Roman then goes after him, but Finn moves making him go into the ropes. Roman gets up and Finna comes after him again, and again. Then he picks up Roman by his hair and throws him out of the ring. Roman falls to the floor and it goes to commercial. Charlotte's smile leaves her face.
After 20 minutes, Roman is dominating. He picks up Finn on his shoulders and slams him. He goes for the pin, but Finn kicks out. Roman gets up and thinks of what to do. He goes in the corner and gets ready for the spear. Finn gets up and Roma spears him. Goes for the cover again, but Finn kicks out. Roman lays there for a minute. Then gets up and grabs Finn, but Finn fights back and keeps fighting back until Roman is down. Then he gets ready for his finisher and hits it. He goes for the cover and pins Roman successfully. The crowd goes crazy. Roman lays there tired. Charlotte feels bad for him and leaves the area. Dana watches her. She walks around the hallways trying to clear her mind of everything tonight.
Roman looks up and sees Finn happy he won. Then he slowly gets up and starts walking to the back, shaking fans hands on the way. He gets to the stage and looks back. Then he heads back in and walks towards his lockeroom. He has an angry look right now and doesn't wanna deal with anyone, so he keeps walking straight back. He sees Charlotte walking out the doors and wants to say something but doesn't. He runs into then storage bin and moans. Charlotte looks behind her and sees him. She sees him holding his stomach and walks toward him. She picks him up, "You okay?"
He looks at her, "Yeah, fine." He starts to walk back towards his room. Charlotte looks confused. He's been so nice today, and suddenly not.
"Roman!" She says.
He keeps walking. She starts to walk towards him and grabs his arm.
"Hey, seriously are you okay?"
"I told you I'm fine." He replies.
"No your not. Your acting weird. Sit down for a minute if your hurting."
"Charlotte, don't worry about me, I'll be fine." He says looking at her.
She just looks at him.
Dana sees her with him and starts questioning it, but doesn't say anything.
"I can help you get your things together." Charlotte says.
Roman closes his eyes and looks at her, "Look, Charlotte, I'm not really in the mood to deal with anyone. I don't wanna be rude to you, so just please give me some space right now."
Charlotte swallows and half smiles. She looks down and walks away. Roman feels bad but doesn't wanna say anything to her. She starts walking down the hallway and sees Dana standing there.
"Why you standing there?"
"I'm waiting for you. Can't leave without you." Dana says.
Charlotte replies, "oh, I'm sorry."
"It's fine, but why were you over their with Reigns?" Dana says.
Charlotte looks around and says, "He looked like he was in pain. I wanted to help but he said no."
Dana nods and they start walking back to the room to get the rest of their things.

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