It's out

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Charlotte stares at Sasha angrily and gets up. The lady doing her hair looks at her. Charlotte apologizes and walks over to Sasha.
"We need to talk. Now." She says.
Sasha smiles and laughs, "We can talk here."
Charlotte glares and crosses her arms.
"We can talk somewhere empty."
Sasha smirks and gets up and follows her. They walk down the hallway and the other divas are staring at her.
They stop and look at each other.
"Why?" Charlotte asks.
Sasha smiles, "Why...what?"
"Why would you post that on Twitter? When I told you not to get it out."
Sasha smiths, "You never told me anything. And I thought it was cute so I....."
Charlotte interrupts, "It doesn't matter Sasha! What if I posted a pic of you and your finance saying a cute remark."
Sasha licks her lips and stares.
Charlotte laughs, "I swear, if you do this again. You'll be sorry honey."
Sasha smiles and walks away quickly getting angry as she walks back.
Charlotte watches her and puts her hands on her head and walks back to lockeroom.
Sasha gets back and they asked her what happened. Sasha doesn't say anything except she was mad.
Charlotte opens her door and goes to put her gear on. She laces up her boots and hears a knock on her door.
She opens it and Roman's there looking shocked, but smiles. She hugs him and he hugs back. He lets go and kisses her.
They both walk over to the couch as he shuts the door.
They both look at each other.
"Did you see that picture?" He asks.
Charlotte smiles a lil, "Yeah, just talked to Sasha about it."
He looks at her and nods, "Well she took it down."
Charlotte looks relieved for a moment, but realized people could've screenshotted it or saved it.
"What?" Roman says.
"That doesn't mean it's gone. What if someone big sees it like Vince or Steph?"
Roman smiles, "What if they do? It doesn't matter. They can't do anything."
A few minutes later, Sasha opens her door. She sees Roman and Charlotte talking. She stands there.
"I'm sorry."
Charlotte smiles and Roman gets up. Charlotte watches him.
He looks at Sasha and breathes in.
Sasha looks nervous and tries not to look right at him.
"Why would you do that Sasha?"
She looks at him, "I honestly don't know."
He smirks.
"Then, get out please."
She nods and leaves.
He closes the door and sees Charlotte standing behind him.
He kisses her and leaves.
She stands there holding her hips and thinks of what happened.

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