Little you knew

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Seth yanks his hand away. Sasha looks at him.
Seth looks at her, "Why do you do that? Your always trying to grab my hand, grab me or even try to kiss me Sasha?"
They look at each other.
"I don't even like you like that." Seth pauses, "Your a really good friend and I don't wanna lose you, but damn please stop."
"I'm sorry." She says looking down.
"I think that I like someone else."
Sasha looks up.
Seth walks over to the bed and sits down.
"She's pretty, funny, has the most beautiful smile and everytime I see her, I just wanna hug her and never let her go." Seth looks at Sasha.
"I know who it is. Why Seth? Why?" Sasha walks over to him angrily.
"What makes her so great. Better than me? Huh?" She bends down to his level and looks him in the eye."
Seth looks at her, "Oh, don't act like we're dating Sasha. I saw you all over Roman. Hell I see you flirt with him all the time. Even ot-"
Sasha cuts him off, "What are you talking about Seth?" She slaps his face and walks away.
Seth gets up and grabs her arm.
"Look! Stop treating me like I owe you something Sasha! I don't owe you shit! Your the one that got me involved with Charlotte, so thanks. It really helped out."
He looks her and let's go. He walks out the door and slams it.
Sasha just stands there.

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