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Dean looks at Roman confused for a moment.
"Why you thinking about her?" He asks.
Roman looks down and says, "Well, after she lost the title she came backstage crying and I tried comforting her. And later that night she rode with me to the hotel and she was really tired so she just stayed in my room with me.." Dean interupts him, "so she stayed in the same room with you?"
Roman looks at him, "Yeah."
Dean smirks, "Did you do anything?"
Roman gets sort of nervous, "No, no. Just.." He stops and starts walking away.
Dean gets confused and starts talking, "Just what Roman?"
Roman stops and stands still for a moment. Then he turns around and looks at Dean, "Just..I kind of....Kissed her." He stands there.
Dean gets wide eyes and looks at him. "Why'd you kiss her dude?"
"I don't know. I just wanted to know."
Dean says, "Know what?"
Roman smirks, "If I really have feelings for her. I mean ever since her debut, I keep watching her matches and always smile at her. After Mania we both were on that show and it was so fun. I enjoyed it."
Dean says, "And you just starting talking to her yesterday?"
Roman smiles, "I guess. She actually came up to me. And sat with me at the table. But the funny thing, I didn't wanna stop kissing her, but I had to force myself. I don't wanna be that way with her. Yet at least. I don't even know if she likes me." He smiles, "But she does blush a lot."
Dean smiles, "If you like her, go after her man. Do what you want. Find out if she likes you. Maybe next time you see, talk to her somewhere by yourselves."
Roman smiles, "I want to but I just don't want to take time away from her and her friends"
"Why? You like her. Don't let them stop you."
Roman smirks, "Yeah, I guess I should. I'm gonna get going."
Dean starts walking back and Roman walks the other way.
Back at the other city Charlotte just gets out of the shower and brushes her hair. She gets dressed and puts makeup on. She puts shoes on, gathers her things and walks out to meet Dana at the end of the hallway to get going.
"You ready for tonight girl?" Dana says.
Charlotte smiles, "Sure am."
They get in the car and head out to a restaurant to eat with the other Raw women. When they get there, Charlotte can't help but notice Sasha there, smiling and talking to the others.
Dana and Charlotte walk over smiling and greet the others. Sasha goes to hug Charlotte. Charlotte smiles and Sasha says, "Thank you for Monday. It was one of my best matches." Charlotte smiles and sits next to her.
About half way through the night, all the girls have already had quite a few drinks and are taking selfies. One of Charlotte and Sasha.
Roman happens to go on Twitter, since he's just backstage sitting there. He scrolls through and sees Charlotte's picture. He looks at her smile and can't help but smile. He likes and it and exits the app. He pulls up his messages and decides to text her, "Seems like your having fun. I told you that you'll be alright."
Charlotte sees her phone light up and so does the others. Charlotte sees it's from Roman and smiles. Dana looks over at him and Sasha leans over to see who its from. Charlotte pulls her phone away.
"What?" She says.
Sasha smiles, "Who you smiling at?"
Dana says, "Probaly Reigns texted her."
Charlotte looks at Dana. And Dana raises her eyebrows.
"Why do you care?"
Dana says, "I don't know. Just thought you wouldn't be on your phone a lot tonight."
Charlotte giggles, "What about you?"
She gets up and goes to the bathroom.
The others ask Dana about that. She tells them about Charlotte talking to Roman after her match Monday.
Charlotte stands there and texts Roman back, "Yeah, I knew it would be."
Roman sees the text and sends back, "😊"
Charlotte smiles and sends back, "😃"
She starts to head back to sit down and does. They all start questioning her about Roman.
"All he did was talk to me because I was upset after my match. What is it illegal to talk to me now?" She gets angry.
They all look at her.
Dana decides it's time for them to go.
They drive on to the next city and find the hotel. They pull in and Charlotte immediately gets out. They both walk up to the desk and gets their keys. They go to their room and Charlotte doesn't say a thing. Dana feels bad but lays there anyways.

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