It could

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Charlotte wants to say Roman but he has to ride by himself so, "Um, actually no."
Seth looks at her, "Would you maybe wanna ride together tonight. I promise I'll be nice."
Charlotte smiles, "I guess I can."
Seth smiles.
They both start walking towards the car and put their things away.
They get in and they start on their way.
On the drive, Charlotte starts falling asleep. Seth notices but does not make note of it. He keeps on the gas pedal and around an hour or 2, he pulls into the hallway.
He parks the car and turns it off. Charlotte is still their sleeping on the side. Seth taps her side and tries to wake her up.
"Hey, get up."
She moves and opens her eyes. She sits up and sees Seth standing there looking at her.
"I'm like dead tired sorry."
She gets her purse and gets out of the car. Seth shuts the door and helps carry in the bags. She goes up and gets her room and he gets his.
She opens her door and puts her stuff on the bed next to her. Her phone starts ringing and she sees that it's Roman.
"Hey.", she says.
"What you doing Char?" Roman says.
"Just got to the hotel. What about you?"
"Sitting in mine watching tv. Who'd you ride with?"
Charlotte looks down for a minute, "Um, Dana."
"Oh, well you guys are cool now?"
Charlotte smiles, "Yeah."
"That's good. Well I'm gonna try to sleep, I'll see you tomorrow night or something."
"Okay, night."
They hang up their phones and Roman gets to sleep.
Suddenly, Charlotte hears knocking on her door. She gets up to see who it is and opens it. Seth's standing there with his things.
"Hey, um, my room is like disgusting. Would you mind if I took the other bed?"
Charlotte smiles, "Sure no problem. Let me get my things off it."
She moves her things off it and Seth comes in. As she's getting her things off she drops her phone. She picks it up. Seth watches her.
Seth stands there and closes the door.
Charlotte finishes and turns around.
As she turns around, Seth walks up to her and kisses her. She opens her eyes and pushes him off.
"What are you doing?" She says shocked.

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