Shouldn't Have Done

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"What do you mean you told him? This was supposed to be between us Charlotte.."
Charlotte interrupts him, "Well it's kind of hard to hide it when you left a mark on my neck."
He looks at her, "It could've been Roman's."
She looks at him, "Well it wasn't and he noticed it. He was pretty pissed."
He smiles at her, "Your really hot when your mad."
She looks at him smarky and a little embarrassed.
He raises his eyebrows and looks at her.
She looks down and tries to comprehend what he said.
He walks closer to her and kisses her. She lets up quickly and looks at him.
"Seth! Will you stop this!" She says.
He looks at her, "Stop what? You know you like it..."
She looks at him and takes a deep breath.
"I told you."
He goes in for another kiss and wraps his arms around her and surprisingly, she kisses back placing her hands around his head.
He pushes her against the wall and keeps going.
Suddenly, the door opens and Roman walks in.
He looks over and sees them as they stop and look at him.
He looks at Charlotte for a second and then at Seth.
Seth looks at him with his tongue going around his lips. Charlotte looks shocked and runs up to Roman.
Roman walks out and slams the door.
She watches him, but opens the door and runs after him.
"Roman! Please come here!" She yells.
Roman keeps walking with his hands balled up in fists. He walks down the steps into the basement. Charlotte runs after him still yelling.
Seth walks out the door and smiles and walks back to his room.
She catches up with him as he stands there.
"Roman." She catches her breath.
He turns around and grabs her and pushes her against the wall, not that hard.
She has a look of pain on her face as he does and closes her eyes.
He looks at her angrily still holding her arms.
She opens her eyes and looks at him.
"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry Roman. Please."
Roman closes his eyes and opens them back up.
"Why?" He puckers his lips and looks at her.
She breathes in and out, "He did it."
He interrupts her, "That was excuse last time. I saw you kissing back. Don't act like you didn't enjoy it Charlotte. I know when you like something."
He looks at her and lets go and walks back up the steps.
She stands there trying to keep the tears back.

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