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Charlotte wakes up and looks around. She sees doctors walking around and figures that she's in a hospital. She closes her eyes and sits up.
A few minutes later, Roman walks in. He smiles at her and sits down next to her.
"Feel any better?" He says.
She looks at him half smiling, "Not so much."
He smiles at her.
She looks down and he looks right at her, "What even happened? Seth told me you fell to you knees, but why?"
She looks up, "Overwhelming I guess."
He shakes his head, "About what?"
"Just everything."
He puts his hand on her shoulder and smiles.
"You'll be fine. You always get through."
She smiles at his words.
"Don't you have anywhere to be? You usually do?"
He looks at her, "Why, do you want me to leave?"
She giggles, "Was I implying that?"
He smirks at her, "Kind of."
She lays her head against him for a second and he wraps his arm around her.
She grabs his hand and lays there with him.
A nurse walks in and Roman lets go and gets up.
"Your fine." The nurse says.
Roman smiles and so does Charlotte.
She talks to Charlotte and says that she can leave.
She gets changed and walks out to the Lobby, where Roman is waiting.
He smiles at her and they walk out together.

StrugglingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora