The Little Things

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Roman continues to comfort her as she lays there crying out so many tears. He lays his head against hers and feels how soft her hair is. He smiles for a moment and sees that she's wrapped her hands around him.
She looks up at him, "I'm sorry."
He looks at her confused, "For what?"
She looks down and breathes in and out, "Everything. Seth. Sasha. You. Me. Just if I ever hurt you."
Roman smirks and pulls her closer to him.
"Charlotte, your fine. Don't worry about anything. Things happen, people do things. Sometimes because they can't explain it." He zones into his mind and remembers the Sasha thing.
"It happens." He swallows.
She moves her arms up to his shoulder and then lets go.
He smiles at her taking her smile.
"At least I can always make you smile."
She looks away jokingly.
"You wanna leave here?"
She looks at him, "I thought you'd never ask."
They both laugh and get up. He pays them and they head over to the car.
Roman stops and puts his hands in his pockets.
Charlotte stops too, looking at him.
"What?" She says.
He shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know. It just feels weird nowadays I guess."
"What? Us?" She moves over to him.
He shakes his head. "Just little things."
She smiles, "Like what Ro?"
He looks up at her.
"Did you just?"
She smiles, "Maybe." She shrugs her shoulders and starts to walk away.
Roman shakes his head and grabs her from behind in a bear hug, grabbing her hands.
She starts laughing, making him laugh.
"Roman! Stop!" She tries to lift his hands, but fails.
He pulls her tighter til her head is on his chest.
He kisses her head and lets go.
She turns around and kisses him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around her and they stand there for a couple seconds.

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