New beginnings

790 12 4

Fast forward a few months.

Alice's Pov

I close the door behind me on my own bedroom at home. I look at the pale wooden frame next to my door is a light blue sign hanging on the wall saying "Alice's room" I trace it lightly with my finger before sighing and going downstairs.

As I get to the last step I get pulled into a hug by my Mum. She has tears in her eyes. I know it must be sad for her.

"I'll always love you" She says though my hair.

"I know" I reply hugging her for a bit longer before releasing her and looking towards the front door to see my best friend Ellen.

I run towards her and pull her into a massive hug.

"I'm going to miss you soo much" I say with tears running down my cheeks.

"Me too" She replies, smiling. "I can't believe your leaving me for a boy Alice, I mean a boy!"

We both start to laugh at her comment. More tears escape my eyes. Just as I was wiping my tears away using my hands. A car honks outside, I need to go now.

"Bye everyone" I say giving my Mum, best friend and dog a hug. I know I will see them soon, I'm just not sure when.

I step outside waving to them. I'm ready to start this new chapter in my life.

Authors note
Enjoy! If anyone went to slimefest or saw the boys at Bultins, I hope you had an amazing time. Please let me know what you think x

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