The next steps

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Perri's Pov

After spending what seemed like months in hospital when it was only 3 weeks, I was finally allowed to be discharged to go home with Alice.

I had been diagnosed with hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). This was also linked to the fact I had been over exercising to get ready for tour and not eating as well as I should.

The nurse and doctors said I should be able to dance again on tour, I just need to not over do it. Ashley is still concerned as we are touring arena's and he doesn't want me to get injured any more or upset the fans if I pass out again, but this time on stage.

Alice squeeses my hand as we head home. I sat in the back of the car with her and rested my tired aching neck against the cold soft leather of the seat. Ashley was driving us back home to mine, she would stay there until we go on tour in a week.

I woke up to someone shaking me 'Pel, wake up dude we are home. Alice has gone in' I opened my tired eyes, heavy from the lack of sleep I had gotten over the last few weeks to see Ashley. He was wearing a flatcap which was grey. He was dressed in a red and black large checked shirt and wearing skinny black jeans. He smiled when he saw I was making eye contact with him. I thought I saw a small tear in the corner of his eye. No, I must be imagining it. Ashley wouldn't cry over me passing out, or is there something else he isn't telling me?

Ashley's Pov

I am so glad Perri is alright now and can go on tour with us. I know me and the rest of the boys would have been so upset if he could not of come with us. The fans would of been upset, some of them get super annoyed when he is not there and they try and act like they are glad to see the rest of us. However we know the only reason they are there is because of him.

Perri, he has come so far since I met him at the age of 10. Neither of us could of believed he would of turned into the man in front of me today. He didn't think he had it in him, however I saw the hint of it as soon as he walked in the room. He had a spark that wanted to get out. Energy you could say, I helped him achieve that. He is free now. He speaks.

It breaks my heart he almost went the other day. I am meant to be there for him.

I am also lying to him, me and all the boys are. If we tell him what is really wrong with him, he may never forgive us for letting him get so ill. I'm just glad the nurses and doctors gave him the all clear for tour. It might be his last one for a while though, I will tell him. Just not now, it will break him. Crush him, I need him. I think I do, however Alice needs him more. I can't take this away from her or him. But the time will come for them to find out the truth, together.

Perri's Pov

Ashley helped me into the house, he got me and Alice all set up. He left us both watching GOT on the TV. He said that reherseals for me started the day after tomorrow at 11am. He and all the boys were looking forward to seeing me there. With that he gave me a hug, I missed him. I heard the door closed and nestled down into Alice.

She was much more touchy with me, that it made me get a sense of electricty through my entire body. My stomach stinged a bit due to the pain, but I had been given pain killers through for it by the doctors.

It was this moment I knew I was ready, I would lose it if it meant losing it with the love of my life.

Pel mate you are going to get yourself laid soon.

I smiled to myself before giving her a kiss on the head and watching the rest of the programme.

Authors note

I thought I didn't know what to write for this update but then it all just came when I started writing. Please let me know what you all think :)

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