The problem

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Perri's Pov

I walk over to the mirrors to grab my towel. Sweat was running down the small of my back. Man were rehearsals hard! I picked up my white travel towel and began wiping my face, my cheeks were slightly red due to the heat of the room. I held my fro with one hand the towel with the other, so I could wipe my forehead.

It was crazy in the studio today, Ashley had us all rehearsing the opening scene with us boys. He was trying to work out how Alice was going to enter the stage.

Music blasted out from the speakers right above me and I jumped.
"Sorry" Ash shouted.

I muttered under my breath before feeling a hand on my shoulder. They pulled me in for a hug from behind, I felt myself relax when I touched her t-shirt.
"Hi, babe" She said quickly before kissing me on the check and grabbing my hand and pulling me into the center of the room where everyone had gathered. The boys all looked at us holding hands and grinned. We still aren't into public displays of affection but a little bit is okay.

"Anyway, thank you all of being here today." Ashley said grinning.
"We have to be here" Mitch moaned. He doesn't like our 10 am training sessions, he thinks they are way too early. The boys all laughed, Warren hit him on the back playfully, grinning.
"I needed to talk to you all about how Alice is going to enter the stage on tour." Ashley continued, sorting his hair out as it had fallen into his eyes. "I wanted Alice to come in on a platform 10 meters above the stage and jump. Seeing as she can control us, she will make us catch her. Now who wants to help catch her." He looked around the room picking the strongest members of the group, so everyone besides me and Mitch. He still thinks of us as children sometimes I swear.

I suddenly felt really light headed and the room was spinning very slowly, the boys were getting blurry. Not again I thought, before I knew I needed to move.

"I've got to go" I blurted out and ran out of the room. I very nearly crashed into the door by fainting but luckily I got to the toilets alright and threw up. The back of my throat was killing me with pain, but I still continued. I was now dry heaving, it wasn't nice.

"Pel mate, you in here?" Jordan called opening the bathroom door. I heard him curse under his breath then a hand was on my back. "It's gonna be ok, you'll be fine." He said, wiping my hair out of my face. Like a child. When I was finally finished he pushed me back gently into a seating position and knelt in front of me. He looked me dead in the eye.

"Perri, you know we won't drop her don't you?" He asked. I nodded, I trust them with my life. I know my girlfriend will be fine. However I had a really bad pain in my tummy. I hope I'm just like this because of the tour, but I'm not so sure anymore.

"Jord" I whispered bending over to hold my stomach. "I know you won't". I can't tell him. He won't understand, I have to be well enough to do this tour.

He smiled and it lit up the room like I just told him he won the prize for making there be world peace on earth or something. He was so happy.

"Come on" He said helping me up, "Let's go see the rest of the boys and Alice." The pain in my tummy was worse, it isn't getting any better.

Alice's Pov

I still can't believe Perri would run out of the room like that, I hope he is ok. I'm beginning to worry a bit about him. He keeps pulling faces of pain when he sits up in bed too quickly or bends down. He holds his stomach and just said that its pre-tour nerves. I'm not so sure kiely.

"Alice" Ashley said, bringing me out of my day dream.
"Yes, Ash" I replied smiling. He started walking into the office just next to the studio. I followed. I saw spread out on the desk was a mountain of paperwork. For the tour I'm guessing.
"Where is it?" Ashley mumbled searching though the papers. "Here it is" He was grinning at the paper in his hands as he smoothed it out. He nodded at me to sit down and he copied on the other side of the desk. He put the paper flat on the desk and slid it over towards me. I took it carefully in my hands and read it. OMG. No way.
"Ashley, thank you" I started to tear up now. He had nominated me for a teacher training course at the royal academy of dance. It was for their BA(hons) dance education. I was so happy, Ashley was congratulating me and we were dancing around the office like mad people but then it hit me. What about the tour, what about Perri?

Authors Pov
Sorry about the problem with the last chapter not publishing. So as you can see two problems have come up what will happen to Perri and what will Alice do? Next update soon. Please comment and like.

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