Tour prep

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Perri's Pov

I'm standing behind the stage waiting to go on, Ashley is making us run through the sets on a made up stage, it will be similar as all of the arenas we will be on. However you know Ash, everything has to be perfect!

Mitch came up behind me and tapped me on the back, I turned to face him. He was dressed in all black, with a black FACE hat and wearing a dark red jacket. He smiled when I turned around before speaking.

'Um Perri, you are on the wrong side mate. I come on from the left remember?'

Panic set in 'Shot, I'm sorry!' Oh dear, Ash is going to murder me, ever since I got back out of hospital I have been quite forgetful. The doctor's say it is because I was out of it for a while and the boys say I'm just stressing myself out from all of the reherseals I missed. I can tell the boys all get annoyed with me when it happens. However, I know the would never show it to me. They care too much, don't forget they almost lost me. No Perri, you can't keep thinking that I tell myself.

The show must go on.

I ran as fast as I can back stage to get to the other side of the stage, I was jumping over all the equipment and the tecnies, they will also murder me if I step on a wire and pull something or break something. I hear the cue, I have 30 seconds.

I'm almost there, almost...

I see Jordan waving his arms at me. I'm just behind him when he goes on stage. I am almost glued to the back of his long sleeved, check shirt. Then a hand comes out, oh no


I look up at the owner of the hand. It's Ashley. I see something I have never seen in his eyes, its a mixture of annoyance and something else. However, I don't know what that something else is.

Once the rest of the boys have finished their set they come out all smilling and laughing. The buzz of the performance warm in their hearts and heads. They stop when they see Ashley and I looking at one another neither saying a word. Little do they know there is a million and one words flying around in both of our minds, however neither of us knows how to take the first step.

Jordan clears his throat before speaking 'Should we all take a water break in the green room and you or Perri can come get us when you are done?'

Ashley looks up and takes his glaze away from mine, I see the love and gratitude he has in his eyes for his little brother. He smiles and nods, saying he will get them soon.

With that Jordan escorts the rest of the boys out of the room, I hear the loudness of their chatter decrease as they get further and further away from us. Once we hear the door slam we both let out a breath.

We are alone backstage, Ashley steps back and opens the curtain he walks through onto the stage. He mentions for me to follow, I do. I watch him twisting his hands together before he settles himself down on centre stage. His legs are over the edge of the stage. He looks calm and collected like he belongs here, like he is finally home.

I walk up to him slowly, my breathing getting quick. Why won't he just admit it, I made a mistake. I'm to ill to be in Diversity anymore, I should just leave. I'm prepared to, anyway Alice is leaving me in 2 weeks to go to her teacher training course. I don't deserve this pitty, why can't he be honest. Why is he lying to me, to think of it why is everyone lying to me. I know I'm ill. Worst of all, I know its cancer. I just know it.

Ashley clears his throat.

'Perri, listen I'm sorry. I can't believe I have been treating you like that. I seriously want you to know how much I care. I overreacted with the set.'

He turns and looks at me.

Oh no, the room is spinning again slowly this time. Please not now. I take a big deep breath and walk forward to the centre of the stage.

He continues 'I am aware of how ill you are, I shouldn't of pushed you. Anyway I just wanted to check in and see how you are managing your treatement and everything'

He looks at me waiting for an answer.

'Perri, you okay?'

I nodd before blinking for the longest time in a while.

'I wanted to let you know that we got your diagnosis today and I can finally let you know what you have'

I don't hear anymore because next thing I know, I'm on the floor.

All I hear is Ashley shouting Jordan and also cursing at himself for being so stupid for letting him and the boys go to another room.

Ashley is holding me and rocking me. He keeps saying to stay with him and not go anywhere.

I mean where can I go Ashley?

The last thing I hear is Mitch slam the door to the stage open and Jordan on the phone to 999. I hear something about Reye's before thinking typical Jordan hungry as always for Rye bread.

Then I'm gone...

I am out

To be continued.

Authors note

Enjoy, please like and comment I love hearing what you all think!
Also don't forget to watch Slimefest on Nickelodeon if you were able to go I hope you had an amazing time! 
Credit to whoever picture this is, I love it!

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