You are going to be a Dad

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Perris Pov

I honestly can't believe how fast time is going, Alice is already 6 months pregnant. She managed to do one semester of her dancing teacher training course before asking to take some time off due to her pregnancy and looking after the child.

I also have heard rumours from the boys that Ash has an announcement for us. After the last tour and me passing out. He is not keen on doing another arena tour. So I am wondering what it will be.

Anyway, if I don't hurry I am going to be late for rehearsals.

As I collect my keys to go and see the boys. Alice comes downstairs. She is stunning, her hair falling down her back. Her belly slightly rounded due to the baby, clinging to her pjs. She is absolutely glowing, it feels like a star has fallen from the night sky and is in the room with me as she is that bright.

"Morning" I say cheerily, grinning.

"Hey you" She replies coming over to me and giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Have fun at work, okay?" She looks up at me with pleading eyes. She knows that because she is pregnant, I always worry about her when I am not around her.

"Yes of course" I say with a fake smile.

She then waves me off and I go to the studio and the boys.

I enter the studio.

I forget how much Diversity has changed, Mitch is in the corner playing with his dog Otto that he has. Who is also a pug, but is much darker than Barry. You then have Jord who is wearing some crazy looking shoes on his feet (typical). Ashley is in the middle with the other boys and also some of the younger boys that are now apart of the group. I must say it feels odd not being the youngest anymore. There is literally a new generation of Diversity and I am grateful to still be in the group.

Ashley calls everyone to him. Where he gets ready to give the announcement.

"As you know" He begins. "We normally try to do a tour every year, but after last years one" I feel everyone's eves go on me and I start to go red. "I have decided we are instead going to do workshops at Butlins like always, but instead of a tour. We are going to be travelling to schools and public spaces around the country and do in person workshops, I believe we shouldn't just be inspiring people to want to dance, but actually help give them the resources to be able to do so".

Once he finishes there is a lot of approval from the boys. We then get back into training. A few hours later rehearsals finish as Ashley needs to get home to see his family. While everyone else is leaving, he pulls me aside.

"So Perri, you are going to be a Dad. How do you feel?" He looks at me trying to guess from my face, how I feel. I smile and reply

"I'm nervous Ashley, but honestly so happy. I get to be apart of this journey for Alice". He smiles and pulls me into a hug, holding on so tight I know everything is going to be okay. It will be right?

Authors note

Please enjoy, thank you so much for everyone who messaged me asking for an update. I didn't know you had been waiting months for this! I hope everyone is safe and healthy.

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