The gender reveal party

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Alice's Pov

I was so nervous but excited for Perri to come home. I couldn't wait to open the envelope with him and reveal our baby's gender. I knew he would be happy whatever the outcome.

Me too, I mean we brought life into the world.

I heard his keys in the door. The door opened and Barry came flying in like a bullet. He has so happy and pleased to see me. I had dog kisses all over my face, it was all wet now. Thanks Barry.

Perri put down all his bags, I noticed behind him he had a party bag. He walked over and pulled me up. He pushed the hair out of my face, as it had fallen out of my ponytail.

'So' He began, 'How was the doctors, I'm assuming they told you the gender correct?'

I smiled nodding.

'Not quite' I looked up at him, almost nervous. He was smiling as calm as anything. 'They gave me the results in an envelope. I thought I should wait till you were back to open them with you'

He nodded.

'Alice, can we open them now?'

I nodded.

He let me go and jumped up in excitement. He got the envelope off the dinning room table and came back to me. He guided me towards the sofa. We both sat down and held each others hands.

We had decided that I should open it. However, Perri was looking over my shoulder the whole time. Really, can't I get a break.

I'm joking, I love him really.

My heart was beating a million miles a minute. I took a big deep breathe and opened the brown envelope. I felt like I was shaking, yet my hands were as still as anything.

I had to read the information twice.

We were having a girl

Perri looked at me in complete and utter shock.

'A girl' He said. 'I can't quite believe it Alice'.

'Me either' I replied.

He pulled me in and hugged me.

Now our lives could be complete.

Welcome to the world, baby girl.

A few days later

Of course we had to have a party to celebrate. However instead of doing a normal gender reveal, we just had a party based on the month our girl was going to be born. Which for her was going to be in April. Therefore we did a spring party. Even though it was summer.

We had Easter themed the room. There was fake rabbits, Easter baskets and of course a lot of chocolate.

The balloons that Perri had gotten a few days before, we filled them with pink and gold bits of paper. As we wanted to celebrate our girl being here with us. Instead of me trying to hide my pregnancy from the world.

The diversity boys all came and they were so happy for us.

Warren filmed us doing the gender reveal and Perri posted it onto Instagram. He got a ton of views in a matter of seconds.

Whatever happens in the media regarding us all. We can sort it out. I hope it is only positive.

Authors note


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