You deserve a holiday dude

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Perri's Pov

Today was the day. The day I'm going to be discharged from hospital. Finally. Right Perri, promise the guys and Alice you won't be going into hospital any time soon.

'I Perri Kiely promise not to go into the hospital for health reasons in the future. I set the intention of being healthy and happy'.

There they were outside waiting for me. I had just signed myself out. I had my white duffel bag in my right hand. My hair was all over the place. I couldn't wait to get home and have a shower, it was well needed!

I pulled the jacket I was wearing closer to me as a breeze had just started. I was freezing. Why was I sweating? I can't be nervous to see them; surely?

The elevator beeped to signal I was on the ground floor with the entrance to the hospital. I could almost taste freedom.

'Perri' I heard a few girls cry. It was Starr and Evie they came and took me out.

'Careful girls, you have to be careful with him' I heard my Mum say.

Too late Mum, I was already on the floor with both of them on me. I ruffled both of their heads and pulled them in for a massive bear hug. I had seriously missed my two younger sisters.

Once they had finally gotten off me, I was able to stand up. I then walked over and gave my Mum a massive hug.

'I'm so glad you are okay'. She said, moving my hair out of my face.

'Me too' I replied, 'Sorry for scaring you' I chuckled.

She smiled and took my hand, come on we have to get you home. I know for a fact your animals and some humans have seriously missed you.

I smiled, she meant Alice. I missed her.

My Mum and sisters dropped me off at my house, they helped me bring in my stuff while I was attacked by Barry and my cats. I hugged them all, it has been soo long. Their faces were filled with love for me. It was super sweet, they missed me loads. They all looked seriously well looked after, their coats had been groomed. Thanks Al.

My Mum and sisters hugged me and then left. However they ensured I had a cup of tea and had Grand Designs on. They refused to feed me as they knew I would be eating in a minute. I thought your parents were meant to feed you!

Almost as soon as they left, Alice came in. She was carrying bags of groceries. I saw she had a packet of jammie dodgers sticking out of the top of the bag. I went over to see her.

'Hey you' I said as she dropped the bags in the kitchen. She ran over to me and I picked her up, she wrapped her legs around my waist and I hugged her for a while. We stayed there, just remembering what it was like to be together before the illness and everything.

Alice made an amazing dinner, salmon, vegetables and for desert we had ice cream. It was mint chocolate chip and she had smashed oreos over the top for me. My favourite.

We talked a lot before we went to bed that night. Of course she choose to sleep in bed with me. We talked about the future and what we both wanted. Ultimately we decided that we were both ready to take our relationship to the next level. We both agreed on the right level which was nice.

Anyway we decided we had to go to sleep as Ashley had called an important meeting at Danceworks tomorrow morning I wondered what he could want.

The next day

Still Perri's Pov

I woke up and pulled on some clothes. I felt so much better after showering last night before bed. My hair was so fluffy, it was great. I felt like me again.

I walked downstairs to see Alice eating a bagel. She asked if I wanted anything. I helped myself to some cereal and grabbed some water, I woke up feeling really dehydrated. Once we had both finished getting ready, we headed out to go to the studio. Alice said I wasn't allowed to drive due to me being really ill, which is understandable. However I must admit I was a tad annoyed, so didn't speak to her much in the car journey to the studio. I felt bad as she kept on trying to start a conversation. It was mostly just her asking how I was and telling me that she had my medication and when to take it. In the end she understood I didn't really want to talk, so she just filled me in with how her studies and everything were going. She was telling me that from a week this Monday she was getting 2 weeks off as half term from her course. She asked me if I wanted to go anywhere. I told her we could go back to Mykonos. I loved it were I went there with the boys, she said it sounded good but wasn't sure if I should maybe go somewhere different as I had been there before. I said I had wanted to go to Thailand and the Bahama's. She said she would look at flight prices and think about it.

A holiday with my girlfriend.


'But wait Alice' I said. 'What about training and Diversity? I can't leave the boys'.

'Don't worry' She replied. 'These things always have a way of working themselves out'. She smiled before pulling up to the studio. We both got out and walked in.

I got greeted by a whole lot of people shouting my name and a massive bear hug. It was from the Diversity boys no doubt. However let me tell you that Ashley Banjo is very heavy, especially when he is lying on top of you.

Once everyone had said their hellos and glad to see you again mate. I followed the boys into the studio. Alice stayed out in the reception area as she had some stuff to get, old dance gear no guess. She always leaves stuff. I looked at the massive letter D on the wall, it was falling apart now, much more than when I had left. Someone had been picking the foam out of it. I blame Theo.

'So boys, what did you want to tell me about' I asked while sitting down next to Mitch waiting for the meeting to start.

Ashley basically said how well the tour went, he congratulated the boys. He said I needed to film an Instagram video with them all, just to let the fans know I was okay and well again. Ashley also said that he thinks everyone deserves a break and offered us the next 3 weeks off to recharge and spend time with our loved ones and family and friends. He told me not to worry that we will all meet up during the time off.

I looked at him open mouthed.

'But Ashley, I haven't trained in ages. Dance is my passion' I spluttered. Unable to breathe with the bomb shell he just said.

'Listen Perri' Ashley said. Walking over to me 'You deserve a holiday dude. You put us and yourself through so much stress. It is tiring to get better. Look Alice has already come and spoken to me about it and we decided to book a villa with aqua living, the same people who we booked with when we went on holiday before. However, this time we will be going to Paros in Greece. You, Alice, Jordan, Namoni, Chess and I. A couples romatic get away if you get me'. He said nudging me and winking.

I am so excited. But seriously Ash, don't wink.

Wait did Alice tell him? About us not ever having done it. No, I trust her. Don't be silly Perri.

I can't wait to go on holiday.

Palice are ready, the question is are you?

Authors note

Hey everyone, I hope you like this long update! I actually had a really intense dream in which I woke up with 2 new chapter themes for you all. I'm looking forward to writing them!

Enjoy and as always comment and like please.

Update soon- as always!!

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