All good things must come to an end

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(Recap- Alice and Perri had sex basically, and Alice heard a ripping sound. What is it? is the question everyone is thinking).

Alice's Pov

'Good morning' I heard in Perri's raspy voice as I woke up that morning.

'Did you sleep okay?' he asked before moving forward and kissing me on the forehead.

I nodded while I looked up at his perfect shade of brown eyes. They looked like the bark on a tree when it is autumn and the orange leafs are falling all around it.

Just then there was a knock on our door.

'Alice, Pel' Jordan called. 'We are going to go to the beach before we have to pack and go back home tomorrow. You guys wanna come?'

'Yes please' We both shouted.

I jumped out of bed and grabbed some clothes while Perri ran into the shower. I decided to wear a black and white polka dot bikini. Over the top I wore some light denim shorts and a yellow vest.

Plain and simple. Perfect.

I put on my light purple coloured round sunglasses and took a quick selfie for my Instagram.

'Beach Days' I called it and closed my phone. Just as Perri was walking through the door.

'Wow' I said. My mouth almost touching the floor. He looked amazing. Like not amazing. Think of what you count as amazing and multiply it by 100 then you will get it!

He was wearing light blue swimming shorts and was wearing nothing on top.

Oh dear Perri, you sure know how to make a girl's heart race do you not?!

'Al' He said, walking closer to me. He put his hand on my chin and made my mouth close while saying.

'You don't want flies for breakfast do you?' He winked and was out of the door to the kitchen to meet the others. On the way he grabbed a t-shirt and put on some sliders.

I had already packed our bag. I was so excited for today. I could hardly wait.

Perri's Pov

I walked into the kitchen to see the rest of the gang there and smiling. They looked very loved up, if you know what I mean. They obviously had a nice time after their evening out. Like we did.

It's odd though how doing it for the first time I can see and notice when others do too. It's almost like this weight has been lifted off their shoulders.

'Palice are you ready?' Ashley said. While I heard Alice walking up behind me.

'Yes' Ashley we both replied.

He opened the door and led us outside. The weather was amazing. The sky was shinning, it was warm. A tad too warm. I hope Alice had packed her suncream. I didn't want her to burn...

We walked to the beach. Alice was in front of me at the time as we walked up the wooden board walk to the sun beds. They had been booked earlier by Ashley and Chess.

As we were walking to them Alice stopped me and asked if I could take a picture of her from behind.

'Of course' I said, stepping back a few places.

The 'perfect' picture had to be the one when I was lying on my back pointing the phone up towards her! Typical.

We chilled on the sunbeds for a while, it felt so nice to relax.

I can't believe we have to go home tomorrow.

However, I can't wait for the future and for what Ashley has planned.

'Perri, wake up' I heard Alice. I wake up to her shaking me.

'You fell asleep dear' She said leaning over and kissing me. 'A few of us wanted to go in the ocean. Do you want to come?'

She looked at me with those big eyes of hers.

'Yes please' I said getting up and pushing her off me in the process.

'Can we take some pictures please though?' I asked. Pushing my glasses up my nose and placing my valuables in the bag which I then gave to Chess as she was staying with the beds. Better to be safe than sorry!

We walked to the ocean. I pushed Alice into the water first.

'Perri' She screamed. 'It's freezing!'.

I burst out laughing. At that point she pulled me in with her. Luckily I didn't get my hair wet.

We spent ages talking photos. The best one was when I was holding Alice so she was above me and she was looking down at me and our eyes were looking straight in each others.

Walking back to the villa, I posted the picture while everyone else was looking at the sunset. I captured it

'I've enjoyed spending this amount of time with you. I'm so grateful we came into each others lives. I then posted the red heart emoji.'

I tagged Alice in it and the place we where at.

Within a few seconds it had a thousand likes and a few comments. I looked through them quickly. Most of them were typical, we love you Perri and Palice. However one stuck out to me. IT said 'You pregnant Alice?' with a winky face next to it.

My stomach dropped when I saw the username '@tombiodance'.It's him.

What could he possibly want.

Authors note

Done. Enjoy!

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