Taking the next step as two

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Alice's Pov

I woke up and rolled over in the bed. Perri was not next to me like normal. I missed the heat from his body. Instead, I was left with the essence of warmth on the bedsheets next to me. In moments like this are when I missed him the most.

The reason he wasn't around was that he had rehearsals early this morning. I took a big deep breath and released the tension that I wasn't aware had been hiding in my body for the past few days. Before I checked my phone and see the results from the clinic. They sent them to me via email at some point over the past day. I had been avoiding them, as in all honesty, I did not want to know. My mental health could not take it. I was happy with how I was. The thing is I knew that any of the outcomes that could potentially change my life really couldn't it. After all, it is just the start of a new chapter in my life. Plus I wouldn't be doing any of it alone as Perri would be by my side.

I finally got up out of bed and went into the bathroom, I went about my business before looking at myself in the mirror. I had to wipe it clean with my hand as there was loads of steam on the mirror from when I had just had my shower. My face was empty and white, I looked like I had just seen a ghost. I did not have my usual twinkle in my eye for sure.

I pulled on some clothes once I was pack in the bedroom. I was wearing some dark grey jogging bottoms and a pale pink top. I grabbed one of Perri's hoodies that were on the side and put it on. Even though he wasn't here, I still wanted him near me. If that makes sense?

I shuffled through in my slippers to go get some breakfast. Everywhere I looked, I saw a ghost, Perri. From his breakfast plate on the side and glass to the spare lead about to fall off the coat hanger in the corner from when he quickly took Barry with him this morning.

However, he had left a note on the side for me.

'Alice, I made you some overnight oats with blueberries earlier. They are in the fridge. Help yourself. Have a nice day.

Your Perri'

He is honesty the best. I got out the oats from the fridge and sat down and ate them in silence.

I picked up my phone and saw all the messages from Naomi and Chess. Saying that whatever happened they would be here for me.

As well as messages from all the boys sending their love.

I am so grateful.

I can do this.

Now that I had finished my breakfast and tidied up the kitchen. I took my laptop from the side and opened it up. I scanned over all my usual messages and emails. Nothing interesting. Until I saw the email from the clinic. I opened it. The subject line was 'Your test results'.

'Dear Alice,

Thank you so much for coming on the other day. From the tests that you had done, we are pleased to confirm that you are actually pregnant. Please find below an appointment made with you for the midwife that we have who works for the clinic.

Have a good day,

the clinic'

I stopped.


Sorry what

I messaged Perri this. 'Hi Perri, I got the email. Do you want me to send it to you'

He replied yes. I then sent it over to him.

I messaged the girls saying I had got the test results, everything was fine and I would tell them about it later.

Perri messaged me. Not saying much. Just that he would speak to me about it later.

He ending it with

'We are taking the next step as three now not two'

Authors note


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