Tour- Genesis

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Alice's PoV

I snuck in behind Pel, his afro blocking my view. His arm was stretched out behind him, holding onto my hand. Almost as if he didn't want to let go. In addition to us sleeping in the same bed, he seems to want to always have my full attention. This could be by him always holding my hand or touching my arm. So I know he is there. Or if we are standing across from each other in a room, say at a party. He will get my attention and smile, almost like we are in our own private world. I love it.

"Glad you made it" I heard Ashley say. Even before I saw him I knew he was smiling.
"Take a seat on the floor" He said pointing his hand towards the circle of dancers on the floor who were all looking up at him. Ashley was wearing a black and red checked shirt, with black skinny jeans and all black trainers.

Pel turned around and lightly pecked me on the check before going to sit with the rest of the diversity boys. I looked around at all the other people sat on the floor. I saw the dance work Jr. boys and girls.  I looked at little Jordan, he smiled at me before his eyes went back to Jimmy, who was telling a really funny story by the look of it. I scanned the circle again of people, feeling like time had slowed down to a stop.
'Where would I sit?' I wondered. Beginning to panic. I heard Ashley cough behind me as if to say hurry up Alice!

"Over here" I heard a voice say. I looked up to see Starr looking directly at me. She was sat with Theo and Ellie. She nodded at me and moved over in their mini sub circle to make space for me. I hurried over and let Ashley take centre stage again, like always.

As I sat down Starr squeezed my arm. She's been very happy to see me lately, I wonder why.

"So" Ashley began. Over the next 30 minutes he began to explain the theory and story behind Genesis. It all sounded amazing to me, he wanted to end it with a massive battle involving the Dancework Jrs. Having to try and beat the destroyer but that didn't work, so diversity have to come and save them. It ends up with Diversity beating the destroyer in an epic battle and them choosing to share their gift with the Juniors. So that even when they aren't there they are protected and their legacy lives on.
Theo will be in the story as turns out Ashley got the time machine fixed and went back in time to save him before he got killed.

Anyway, the story starts off with the  boys training their powers in the studio.
Then someone appears (me) with a message of help in which I need their assistance. I then enter via a platform on stage. I am above them, so to get down I jump. A few of the boys try to catch me, but I land safely on my feet. I tell them about the cube that lived  on another planet that was made the same time as earth. (This is were the Dancework jrs live. However the destroyer is now there and I need their help to protect it.
I show them the dance while telling them the story. They all join in at the end.

They are needed as the planet holds they key for the creation of earth and if the key is taken then earth will slowly disappear till it doesn't  exist. Theo enters and shows the boys what would happen if they didn't help, I disappear off stage and get Kieran who starts a drum solo.
The boys wonder where I went. They go looking for me. I then appear on a side stage and ask if they are ready for the journey ahead. They nod. I say I will come for them when they are ready.

I then take them to the other planet using the old time machine, this is where they prepare and complete the final battle with the destroyer.

I'm still in amazement at how Ashley can come up with all this stuff when I see Perri standing in front of me waving his hand in front of my face.
He says the boys are having a big party before they have to start training and we need to go get ready.

I turn and look at Starr, smiling and saying I will see her later before being pulled out of the door by Pel.

Authors note
Another update done!

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