Waking up

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Alice's Pov

It had been a while since Perri had been healthy, he was still asleep. The boys had to go and perform Genesis without him. They were all gutted, however the fans had paid so much for the tickets. No one wants to disappoint them- especially Perri, he wouldn't of wanted them to cancel. They only had 2 weeks left of the tour anyway.

Ashley had plans for their 10th anniversary tour.
" Perri can join us with that guys" he told the boys when they performed their last set. The smiles from each of them was genuine, they all missed him. There was a hole in their hearts, like there was in Diversity.

I knew there was in mine.

Now me, well it is kind of you to ask that! Dance teacher training is tough but so worth it. I've almost completed my first month there. Just 17 left! The lecturers are some of the most kindest people I have met. The other students are like my extended family, besides this one girl Livia. She is slime, however let me not get too carried away with worrying about her.

You are all probably wondering how Perri is doing and when he is going to wake up, right?

I have a really strong feeling it's gonna be today. Since he has been asleep, I feel my connection getting stronger to him. It's like the bond that we had has intensified and I know with my heart we are both ready. To take our relationship to the next level, whether that is getting engaged or potentially married or actually getting physical with him and doing it. If you know what I mean. I can't believe how quickly time has gone, it has been almost 2 years since we both started this crazy journey together. I never want it to end, neither does he. I'm so lucky to have found him, my soul mate.

I feel a clasping at my hand and I hear his voice. Croaky like he just woke up- well he did Alice!

'Jordan' I call jumping up and running to the door. 'He's waking up' I shout into the crystal clear white hospital walls. I hear my voice echoing off the walls, like in Mario Kart when you are on rainbow road and trying not to fall off the track. Racing each other, until they reach their goal- in this case Jordan's eardrum.

I hear the banging of the door and feel a strong warm clasp on my shoulder. Good he heard me. Our attention both turns to Perri as we hear Ashley enter the room with a doctor.

Perri's Pov

I suddenly hear ringing in my ears, like I've been at a concert for too long. I begin to work out what the ringing is, it is a constant beeping noise. I'm still unsure what it is.

I then I suddenly hear voices. One of which is Alice. I can hear her breathing, I just want to hug her. My body craves for her warmth, why does it feel like it's been a while since I've touched her.

It takes a while for me to come to my senses, but when I do. I see Alice, Jordan, Ashley in one corner at the bottom of my bed and a doctor at the other side nodding his head. He seems pleased, I catch the hint of a smile.

The boys all break into a smile when I make eye contact and Alice jumps up and down- her eyes light up. She looks like she wants to run over and hug me, they all do but they have to wait for the approval from the doctor. He doesn't give it yet.

I look down at myself- I'm wearing a hospital grown and have yellow skin on my chest as well as a scar on my stomach. It's pretty small so will heal up, but what happened to me.

I look at the doctor and look confused at my body. He steps forward and begins to explain everything and exactly what has been happening to me over these past few weeks.

Alice's Pov

The good news is that Perri is finally well. I'm so pleased, when the doctor said that I ran over and hugged him. Not letting go, don't you dare leave me again!

Anyway, turns out Perri had intussusception, it took them a while to figure it out as it only occurs in babies and is very rare in adults. The doctor made Perri do a few more tests now that he was awake. He passed them all with flying colours like I knew he would.

He can come back home in a week, he just has to stay in hospital for monitoring. Once the doctor left the room, Ashley and Jordan gave him a big hug and then left the room to ring the boys as well as let their family and all of the fans know that he was fine.

We were left alone. I walked over to the bed, sat down on the edge careful not to hurt him and kissed him on the lips. I missed him, I had this huge urge on my shoulders of wanting him. Wanting the taste of him in my mouth, the warmth of him on my fingers, the scent of him with me. I guess you could say it was like falling in love with him again for the second time.

Palice 2.0. I wonder what the future will hold for us?

Authors note.

Enjoy! This isn't the end, there will be updates so keep an eye out.

Also, I just discovered a book written by @dreamingdiversity

Please go check it out, they deserve more followers.

I hope you all had a lovely Easter and I will speak to you soon :)

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