Through my eyes

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Alice's PoV
I was sat down in the living room with all of my teacher training forms surrounding me. I can't believe I start tomorrow. I'm so excited.
I was stroking Barry who was asleep by my side. The cats were running along the top of the sofa playing.
Just then my emails pinged.
'Important information about orientation tomorrow' I saw it had been sent from the dance school, so I checked it straight away.

Dear student,

We here at the Royal Academy of Dance are looking forward to welcoming you all onto our teacher training programme tomorrow.

Please remember to be here by 9:00 am sharp. You need to insure you have some form of id with you. We recommend passport or birth certificate and form of photo id until you get your student cards so that we can keep a note of who is on campus. More information about your id card can be found in the link below.

'I skipped through a bit more of the email, which was just quotes from past students saying how much they loved the course and are so pleased they did it.

I got shivers, I'm so glad that Ashley offered me to do it. I'm so grateful, DBA!'

For orientation tomorrow please find the schedule of activities.

9:00- Registration/ handing out of forms.

10:00- Introduction talks- featuring Maria Rowland principal and Beatriz Luengo alumni.

11:00-11:30- Break- refreshments will be provided.
12:00-12:30- Dance school tour. See the campus with the help of our student guides.
Lunch break
1:00pm-4:00pm- Registration for courses, please ensure you are registered in the right modules for your degree.

Note- After this you are able to leave. We look forward to meeting you tomorrow.

See you soon.
Maria Rowland
Principle of Royal Academy of Dance.

I clicked off the email and started to work out how I would get to the location of the studio on time. I checked the train times and saw there was one at 7:01am at the station that would get me into the school by 8:30am. I was so excited!

I went through and booked my tickets. I decided to send a tweet on Twitter.

@realAliceH: I have just booked my train tickets to @RAD tomorrow to start my teacher training course. Excited is an understatement! :-D

Once I had gotten off twitter, I saw my phone vibrate with lots of notifications from DvFam. Just then my phone rang, it was Jordan.

Phone call
Jordan: Alice, I'm so sorry but Perri is in hospital, I need you to come and see him urgently.

My heart dropped, I closed my eyes. I couldn't speak my idol, my best friend was hurting and I could not go and help him. Nothing would, I was helpless.

Jordan: Al, you okay?

I did not know that I was sobbing down the phone to him. I couldn't speak, I had a massive lump in my throat.

Alice: I'm sorry Jordan, this is just a massive shock to the system. I will leave now, which hospital is he at?

Jordan: Of course Alice it is a shock to all of us too. Don't worry too much, the boys and I are here too.
He is at Chelmsford and Essex hospital.

Alice: I will be there as soon as I can.

Jordan: Drive safely Alice, I would hate for anything to happen to you.

I said bye to Jordan before putting the phone down. I got up, closed my laptop. Checked on Barry and the cats that they had enough food and everything.

I ran up the stairs and grabbed a bag, I packed it with a spare change of clothes for Perri and I. I grabbed all of his chargers as well as the portable charger. I knew he would hate it if his phone died.

I grabbed a tiny amount of tolieties from the bathroom. I then got his favourite biscuits- oreos of course!

I grabbed my keys and was outside the door in only 7 minutes after speaking to Jordan.

Once in the car, I got my phone out and set up the directions to take me straight to the hospital.

The traffic was fine luckily, I got to the hospital in about 45 minutes. When I pulled into the car park I saw Ashley and Mitch's cars parked and pulled into a empty space close by.

I grabbed a ticket from the parking metre and ran into the hospital.

While I was driving, Jordan had messaged me to say he was in the trauma ward with Perri.

I was running around the different floors with tears in my eyes. I couldn't even see where I was going.

'Oww' I cried out as I ran into someone.

'Careful love' Came the response, I looked up to see a young nurse. She looked fresh out of grad school. She had blonde hair short just below her cheeks. She had green eyes.

'It's alright, now tell me sweetheart. Does it hurt anywhere?' She asked.

I shock my head unable to speak. My heart was already breaking. Just then Jordan came running around the corner. He smiled when he saw me and pulled me into a massive bear hug. I was lifted off the floor.

I started sobbing into Jordan. He was crying into me too. He kept on saying everything was going to be okay. However, I wasn't really sure.

How could anything possibly be okay when the light of my world wasn't well. When he wasn't here.

My Pel.

Jordan closed the door on a seating area to the side of the ward.

'Alice, look we need to talk. It's about Perri'

To be continued.

Authors note

Done, I hope you all enjoy this update. Thank you to SamanthaC04 chantayyy_kiely for reminding me to update this book!
I hope you all had a great Christmas and happy new year! Also, did anyone manage to see the boys in the panto or are going to see them? I did and it was amazing.
I'm so looking forward to their tour to celebrate them winning 10 years ago 😁
Thanks for reading. Please like and comment!

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