The truth

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Perris POV

I finally manage to open my eyes after what feels like a year. I still hear Jordan laughing but it seems to fade as I try to move the bed sheets off me.

"Pel, no way dude! Your alive." He cheers jumping up.
"Why can't I get these off me?" I whisper finally noticing how dry my mouth is. I feel the warm sensation of my blood rushing to the ends of my fingertips. I'm so glad they are working fine.
Jordan walks round to the end of my bed and pulls the covers up off me. Just like that, I can move them. I am really silly sometimes.

"Come here Bro" Jordan says pulling me in for a massive bear hug. "I'm just so glad you are ok at last"
When the hug finishes and he leaves the room to get a nurse, I have flashbacks of what happened on that night, I see Alice as we said goodnight to each other. I see myself earlier in the day walking Barry, training with the boys at the studio. Just a normal day, so what happened?!

Jordan returns this time with Ashley and a nurse. I look around them both looking for Alice. Ashley tells me she went home to get some rest as she has been by my side for the last 3 days. The nurse begins to tell me what happened and not to worry as it is very curable just with medicine. Thank goodness, she says a doctor will be around in the morning to check my physical fitness and to see about tour. However she says I will be fine, as from what I've been diagnosed with they all knew I would be in a deep sleep to repair my body from all of the stress that tour has been. Jordan joked that I needed my beauty sleep, as princess Perri has been partying too much! Really Jord.

Ashley's POV
Now Perri was awake and cracking jokes with Jordan, I knew he was fine. I went outside to make a call to Alice to tell her he's fine. She was thrilled to hear and said she is on her way to see him. She had to go find some signal to reply to her emails.

I walked back into his room, he was fine. He was alive. I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Hey Pel, you really scared us dude" I said while sitting down on the side of the bed and ruffling his fro. I saw his face tense up a little as he hates having his hair touched. However, he let it slide this once for me. We spoke for a while about the symptoms he had been experiencing, so we could tell the nurse later when she came in. I heard the door open and close. I thought it was someone to do checks on him. Then his eyes lit up, his mouth turned into that little goofy smile. I knew it had to be Alice, aww, my little bro is in love!

Perri's POV
Ashley rocks back on his toes before standing up, he looks quickly at me then Alice.

"I will just be outside, the nurse will want to speak to you when you are done"

With that he quickly moved out of the room, it was like he floated. That's Ashley Banjo for you though.

I finally saw her properly, it was like I was seeing her again for the first time. I still knew I had to make her mine. Her hair was shinning in the light, she has wearing a light blue summer dress with black wool tights underneath. She had her bag in her hand as she was taking it off and placing it on the seat that Jordan was in when I first woke up.

The only problem was if I wanted to make her mine I had to not lie to her.

"Alice, I'm sorr.." I started to say my voice breaking due to not having spoken in a while.

Her arms were around my neck,

"Don't you dare lie to me again about not being fine ever again Kiely" She said, breaking into tears.

I held her in my arms feeling her sobbing, she reached up and pulled my chin towards her and we kissed. I knew in that moment that everything was going to be fine.

Boy was I wrong...

Authors note

Delay- exams, coursework. I'm back now and hoping to update more, if I don't please nudge me I honestly just forget.

Thanks for the reads, next update in the works!

Comment what you think will happen; the real question is what is wrong with Perri.

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