But Pel, the training must go on

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Ashley's Pov


I was in the studio just finishing briefing the rest of the boys what is going to happen with the tour and with Perri. We decided that during the sets there will be gaps where Perri is not needed on stage. This is so that he has time to take any necessary pain killers or just to sit down and catch his breath. Seriously, the last thing I need is that boy fainting. I'm already known as the child thrower because of him. I do not want to be known as the child killer!

Jordan shuffles a bit from side to side. He looks around nervously at the clock, it says 10:57am. He should be here any minute.

"Ash" He says quietly, fiddling with his hat. "What if he is unable to do any of the tricks that we have already choreographed".

Mitch laughs before replying "He is Perri, he can do anything".

I smile at his comment but that still doesn't remove the nerves that are already settling in my stomach. Only time will tell.


The door swings open. In he walks, his head down. I don't see his face, just his fro. Once the door has closed behind him, he takes his headphones out of his ears before looking up and giving us one of his cheeky grins. That is the one that makes all the girls fall at his feet, I know it did with Alice.

Next thing I know, he is running towards us and we are all engulfing him in a massive group hug.
"We missed you so much dude" Jordan says before grabbing him out of the group hug and hugging him by himself. We all commented similar words before hugging him indiviudally. Mitch decided to try his luck and touch Perri's fro. To which he hit his hand before laughing and giving him a dude hug back. Once all the boys had said their hello's to him. Perri turned to me and looked ready to go but just before I said anything he went pale and ran out the door.

Perri's Pov
Oh God, Oh God. No it can't be happening again. I ran as fast as my legs could take me before I was in the men's toliets throwing up my entire stomach contents. Once my stomach had settled a bit, I leaned up and pushed myself back onto my heels. I held my head in my hands, I waited a few seconds for the room to stop spinning before I was going to get back and head into the studio. Telling the boys not to worry.

Too late, they were already here...

"Perri, everything is going to be okay" Ashley came in speaking loudly but calmly. I hear him whisper to someone, it was probably Jordan. To ring the hospital and see if they can get an ambulance here.

I don't want to go back to hospital again. With that thought firmly in the front of my mind, I stand up and slide open the door. I stumble past Ashley and grab the side of the sink. I blink a few times before turning to Ashley and saying I don't feel too good.

"But Perri" Ashley saids "Training must go on, why don't you sit out now for 30 minutes to an hour and watch as I teach the other boys? If you feel better then we can do some 1 to 1 teaching later. I just need to check you are able to do flips and tricks or if not. We need to see your level, so that we can change the routine accordingly. Do you understand?" He asks.

I was nodding my head all the way through this barely paying attention but when I see his eyes look at me. They had the look that I was holding the world in my hands. I hated that. I don't want to let anyone down. It will ruin me if the only person I ever let down was the one who I cared about the most.

I smiled and mumbled to him that it must of just been something with the pain killers. I'm on quite a high dosage at the moment while the doctors are running multiple tests on me. We both laughed and faked breathing signs of relief.

As we left the room, we both knew that something wasn't right. I also knew there wasn't something he was not telling me, but the thing is. Who will be the first to let it spill.

Authors note
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Your Hair (sequel to your laugh)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon