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"He totally loves you!"

"No he doesn't, he thought I was a stupid girl." I say, wait, more like complain, to my friend Ashley on FaceTime.

"Oh come on, Stars can't shine without darkness!" Ashley exclaimed, doing an awful job of keeping quiet while we did "homework".

"He asked me who my uncle was! For goodness sake!" I exclaim speaking and little loud. "Oops sorry." I quickly add softly.

"Speaking of your uncle, when is he coming to town?" Ashley asked.

"Tomorrow night. But, why would you wanna know? Does little Ashley have a crush?" I asked with a baby voice on the last sentence.

"What? No!"

"That was a little fast.." I say eyeing her.

"Fine! Ok, I do like your uncle. So what? I mean, he's cute!" She exclaimed.

"Ehh, I mean, true, yeah he is only 20.." I answer agreeing with Ashley.

"Oh got to go.. See you tomorrow!" She said, ending the call before I could say 'bye'.

I sigh and take my phone to text Jeremy.

Hey! So you still coming tomorrow night?

Oh yeah! Can't wait to see my favorite niece! Don't tell Risa!

Haha, I won't.

Nice! Well see ya later.

K, bye.


I plugged my phone in my charger, and finished my homework.

I woke up to my ringtone, Take On Me. Such an amazing song. I sighed and got up to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, and got ready for the day.

I arrived at school with a happy attitude after seminary, a church class every school morning where you learn new scriptures and study and have a good day.

I saw Ashley at my locker, and I smiled. She returned it, and started her rambling.

"So when are you going to see him? Is he good at tutoring? What does he like? Is he good looking in person? Are his eyes pretty? I always hear they were pretty. Hm. When will I meet him? Will he like me-?" She stopped talking out of no where and stared at something behind me.

Like every book, I imagined who it'd be. Wait, no, I didn't have to think. It's probably Brett. I turned around to see Brett, and his friend Alex Simons walking right at me.

Alex and I were friends. He also went to church with me, and our parents have know each other since we moved here.

"Hey!" I greeted to them once they made it to us.

"Erm, hi.." Brett said rubbing the back of his neck.

"What's wrong?" I ask looking at him straight in the eyes.

"Nothing." Alex responded. I turned to him, sighing.

"Well see ya!" I said, smiling, again, and walked with Ashley to class.

"Wait!" I hear someone yell, but just carry on to class.

"Well speak of the devil!" Ashley exclaimed, again looking behind me.

I just carried on reading my book, not caring much, as we sat under a tree at lunch.

"Uh, Emelyn...?" I hear a voice behind me say. I turn around looking at yet again, Brett and Alex.

The life of me(LDS STORY)(UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now