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(Sorry for the wait, but I hope you enjoy!)

The white fluorescent lights above me hurt my eyes. The heart monitor made me jump. Well, almost. 

My eyes were wide open and I was pulled down by a man in white trying to get me to lay back down. Pain exploded in my back. 

"Emmy?" I look to see my little sister calling for me. She is along with my dad, mom, and brothers. 

Tears welled up in my eyes. "Hey, Irisa," I smiled softly as if I smiled bigger, my tears would start falling. "Hey James, hey Vance. Hey mom and dad-" 

Oh well, the tears fell. A question kept surrounding me. 

Why am I here? 

My mom and dad had large bags under their eyes.

Why am I here?

I looked down at my lap. The hospital blankets weighed me down. 

Why am I here?

"Honey, you were in an accident." My dad said, trying to hold his tears. 

"Are they okay?" They escaped out before I could do anything. 

The doctor looked at me, shocked. "He's- He's doing fine. Just a minor concussion." 

James looked at my mom and dad. "I'll take them to the cafeteria. Vance, Irisa, come with me." 

My parents smiled and thanked James and they left. 

"What happened?" I asked, wiping my tears. 

"Emelyn, do you remember Jeremy's fiance? Her brother, Brett." 

I gasp and the whole event comes back to my mind. 

My mom ran to my side. "What Emelyn?"

"I remember the whole thing." 

"What happened?" The doctor asked. 

"I-I went out for food in the middle of the night last night and then I saw him and-" I stopped for a second, "I'm here."

My dad sighed. "Em, you got hit last week." 

I open my eyes wide again. "What's wrong?" 

The doctor looks at me, confused. "I'm sorry? What do you mean?"

"What's wrong with me?" I cry out.

"You were hit head-on. The injuries we see from the hit are pretty damaging. You have a slight concussion and a ruptured disc on your lower right part of your spinal cord, affecting your right kidney. We will need to do surgery on it right away. And-"

My mom interrupted. "Not now, Doctor Evans."

"What? Tell me the last part."

"Honey," My mom said, her voice cracking, "You might never walk again."





jk, there's another chapter :)

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