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             I can't sleep. Nope. I don't like it. I sleep like a boss, like real boss sleep, but I seem to can't sleep tonight. Dang nabit!

             Like every book and movie, it was a thought. Poor Emma. Sweet Emma. True angel to this family, Emma. It was tearing me apart, again. I looked at the ceiling, and tried to think happy thoughts.

Keyword: tried.

But I couldn't. I can't. At least it's Friday. I can sleep in, but Brett, and Emma..

The thing about the name Emma is that she was born into my family. Pure angel. Never cried. Slept, and smiled. It was February 17, 2012. I was only 13, and sweet Emma was 4. I was stuck babysitting, and I was confident, like I always am. And I had put Emma to sleep. She slept in her crib silently and peacefully on her pillow. I went to check on James who was 10 at the time, and saw him happily playing with his Hotwheels. I smiled, and went to the kitchen to make sandwiches for me and James. I quickly made two PB&J sandwiches and carried both up the stairs to James. I got to James's room and gave him a sandwich. As I went to check on Emma, sandwich in hand. I saw that she was faced down on the pillow. I dropped the sandwich, and turned Emma up. Her head was purple. She was dead. I freaked out and ran down stairs, her body slumping on me. I called my parents. They said they were coming, and told me to call 911. I did and 5 minutes later, both an ambulance and my parents arrived. We rushed to the hospital, and it felt as a blur, though a century. As we got there, we ran in to see Emma. The doctor came into our waiting room pale faced, I knew. She was dead. Before he could say anything, I ran. I ran so much, I reached my house that was 5 minutes away by car. Out of breath I slumped on door. The whole time I cried, and cried. Luckily James was too young, he doesn't remember anything.

But this event ruined my life. It was my fault. Everything was. I was a mistake. I locked myself in my room for days, months still taking in life. I couldn't think how this was supposed to happen in life, it wasn't right. I soon went to a doctor, and I have been a patient of PTSD(Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) ever since. Sad story, I know. I've recovered, but still have panic attacks.

At least she's a true angel. I smiled at the thought.

Finally feeling that thought repeated many times, I feel asleep.


Beep! Beep!

I groaned, reaching for my phone on my nightstand. After a few attempts, I finally grabbed it and looked at the text.


Dang. I knew who it was. That's just sad. I'm a true stalker now.

Hello. I managed to text, still seeing blurrily.

How'd you know?

Isn't it easy?

I guess, but I thought you'd be like, 'omg, who is this? Are you that hot dude from school? Tutoring right?'.

Again, you called it! I facepalmed.

Who said you're hot?

Many girls.

Man! They're good liars!

Uh huh sure, you're just jealous we're not a thing.

Haha, more like relieved.

The life of me(LDS STORY)(UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now