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"It's just not going to work." I hear a female voice say. I don't remember anyone with a voice so soft and calm, but bitter at the same time.

My eyelids flutter open to see fluorescent lights. Gosh, these lights are bright and annoying. I already feel a headache coming on.

"Emelyn!" This time a familiar male voice exclaims.

"Jeremy" I say weakly.

"Are you ok?" He blurts.

"Yeah..." I say lifting my hand to feel a throbbing sensation on the back of my head. "I think I bumped my head."

He chuckles, "yeah, you fell back and before I could catch you, and hit your head on the wall."

No wonder I felt a headache.

"Soo..." I trail off wondering what to do. Jeremy caught the gist and hung his head in shame.

"We can leave anytime.. But, I just wanna say I'm so sorry!" He said ending up with his eyes up pleading.

"Your fine.. I was just frazzled at the moment." I say  confirming.

"Ok. Let's just... Uh.. Get.. You... Outta here... Err.." Jeremy says as he tries to get me out of the hospital bed.

I chuckle and sit up, yawning. I quickly and carefully hop up and land on the ground. I look down to see I'm in the ugly blue hospital dresses everyone gets in at the hospital.

I look up to see Jeremy with new clothes neatly in his hands. He hands them to me, and I go change.

Once I'm in my clothes, plaid shirt-sweater, black jeans, and Adidas, I walk out of the bathroom to rejoin Jeremy.

As we walk to the front doors, a sudden thought appears in my head. Well, a few actually. But most importantly, where's mom and dad?

"Hey Jerem. Where's mom and dad?" I ask subtlety. His body stiffens and calms back again as he tries to figure out how to say it right.

"At home, I told them about you fainting, and they just said to take you here, so I did. Speaking of fainting, why did you?" Jeremy says calmly as we enter his car.

"Wow, my parents are the coolest. Well, this really annoying boy's cousin is Claire Harbor. And I really hoped it was fake, but it was real." I say dramatically, but serious at the same time.

Jeremy's eyes shoot up to mine, then widen. "You mean, like that Brett guy? He's pretty cool if you ask me.."

I facepalm. Who would like Brett Harbor? My uncle that's who! Their egos are both the size of Mars..

I reach into my pocket to find my phone strayed away there. I turn it on to see that it's Friday, 3:00p.m.

"NOOO!!" I yell. I look up to see Jeremy staring at me shocked.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" Jerem exclaims.

"My amazing record! It's all ruined!" I say dramatically. I looked over to Jeremy. "You! You did this to me! I could've gone to school and still had a perfect attendance record! But no. You had to make me hit my head and end up in the hospital!"

"Look! I'm sorry! I really am! I'll make it—" is all Jeremy says before I erupt in laugher.

I laugh so hard, I'm crying and wheezing for air. I finally stop to see my uncle chuckling to the sound of my laugh.

The life of me(LDS STORY)(UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now