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A/n: I will be editing this book to make it better.
Me: but it's already amazing!
Also me: you lyin
So yes, after I finish the story, I will change it up a bit.
Sound good?

As happy as I was to leave the white florescent prison, going back to school was a stressful concept.

On the plus side, Jordan, Declan, Sebastian and Bob got jobs at the school. They're substitute librarians. Is that a thing? I don't think so, but they told me not to worry about it.

Jeremy told me that The Bears were his internet best friends. I was very confused.

"Emelyn, you're thinking too hard. The Bears wanted money and I wanted money, so we became internet best friends for viewers to pay us. We did social pranks under famous people's accounts." Jeremy tried to explain. "Haha, once we pretended to be Tupac. It was freaky," I stared at him and shrugged.

"Okay, whatever." I looked out of the window as the car drove on the freeway to our house.

"It was called 'Pranksters' and you needed five people, I asked The Bears if I could join and they said yeah. So, we hacked people and it was crazy." Jeremy carried on.

"I get it. You were a rebellious kid," I laugh and watch Jeremy nod at me.

"You caught the idea. Finally." He joined me, laughing.

"Okay, but, why did they come in our cabin a while back, trying to steal something?" The memory comes back and I laugh from that silly memory.

"Oh yeah," Jeremy rubs his chin. "I actually don't know."

"Hmm," I let out a sigh of relief that he quit talking and I could start to fall asleep.

Unfortunately, we were home too soon. I jolted in my seat as the van stopped and my family piled out.

"Dibs on the upstairs shower!" Vance yelled, which made the rest of us laugh.

I was excited to be heading to bed, but I was stopped with a thought.

Brett was the one to hurt me, but he was also the one to save me.

Huh. Brett was truly something.

I should call him.

I shrugged the thought off and told my parents I was signing off,  going to my room.

There, I found my phone and a note on my bed.

I opened the note.

What! I was supposed to give you my kidney! What am I supposed to do with it now? Haha! Much love, Claire

I smiled at the note, picking it up and placing it on my desk.

I walked back to my bed and turned my phone on, checking all of my notifications.

I ignored them, opening the calling app.

I quickly pressed Brett's contact so I couldn't back down from thanking him.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hey, it's Emelyn," I bit my lip, nervously.

"Well, duh!" I laughed at his reply.

"I forgot to thank you for..." I wavered, ignoring the tears of joy falling down my face. "For saving me."

"...Yeah. You're welcome," he replied, sounding weird. "Oh, and guess what?"

"What?" I asked, smiling slightly and wiping my tears.

"We've– I mean my family and I have been taking missionary discussions!" He sounded happy.

"That's great! So you now know about the Plan of Salvation?" I grinned to myself.

"The what now?" I laughed and did too. "I'm kidding! Yeah, it makes me have such a better understanding of this life."

"That's so cool!" I tried to ignore the yawn escaping my mouth, but Brett didn't.

"Did you just get back home?"


"You should get some rest and I'll see you tomorrow at church?" I kept grinning.

"I wouldn't miss sacrament for anything!"

"Me neither! Talk to later!"

"Bye!" I said, before hanging up on him.

Brett was beginning to become one of the best people in my life.

He's a good influence on me.

I laid down and smiled. I checked my phone at the time. It was four-thirty and yet I was exhausted.

This was going to be a good sleep, I hoped.

I let go of my worries and fell asleep, happy.

The life of me(LDS STORY)(UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now