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"Emelyn, you have a few guests." The nurse said, poking her head in the door. 

"Who is it?" I asked.

The nurse opens the door more and takes a note out of her shirt. "They said they're called the Bears?" 

I smile to myself, "Let them in."

A minute later, an annoyed Sebastian comes in along with a sad Jordan, hungry Declan, and a person I don't know comes in. They move towards my bed and the unknown person mumbles a 'thank you' to the nurse.



Eyebrows scrunch in the direction of me. 

"Um, no, it's me Jordan, Se-"

"Sebastian, Declan, and Bob!" I interrupt, smiling.

Bob looks at me and shakes his head. "I'm Daniel." 

I make a disgusted face. "I like Bob better."

Jordan and Declan laugh. Sebastian and Daniel look confused still. 

"Where did you get Bob?" Sebastian asks. I laugh. I never told them.

"I assumed you to be Bob when you kidnapped me," I explain. 

"We didn't kidnap you," Declan says. "We just put a blindfold on you, shoved you into a van and... got you ice cream!" Jordan grins. 

"Great explaining bro!" Jordan and Declan high five. 

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "We just came to tell you to get better." 

"Aw thanks, Sebastian! You're so sweet!" Sebastian rolls his eyes again, but his cheeks start to darken to a shade of red. "Aw, you're blushing!" I reached up and grabbed his cheeks. 

We all laugh at Sebastian, well except for Sebastian.

"Very funny," Sebastian finally says after a long laughing moment. He takes his phone out and sighs. "We got to go." 

"Aw okay." I frown but nod. They made my day worth living. 

Jordan also frowns. He comes up to me and offers me a Teddy Bear. "Get it? Because we're the bears?" I smile and laugh. "Bye Emelyn! I'll pray for you!"

"Thanks, Jordan." He hugs me and then moves for Declan.

"Come on buddy." I laugh. I reach up my hardest without pain and hug Declan. 

The Bears start to leave and I protest. "Sebastian! Bob! Where are my hugs?" 

Sebastian and Daniel move towards me. Daniel comes up first and I try to hug him but he barely bends over. I reach and pull him down, hugging him. 

Sebastian is just as awkward, but I hug tighter. When he starts to pull away, I kiss his cheek and laugh. "Bye Sebastian!"

I assume he's blushing, and laugh. Jordan laughs louder, "Dude you're blushing again!!" 


"Emelyn?" My nurse calls my name. I open my eyes and look towards her. 

"Yes?" I smile softly. 

"You have another guest." 

"Bring them in." 

I didn't expect Brett to come in, I expected The Bears. I quickly say a prayer.

"Hi," Brett says, looking at his shoes.

I don't answer and he eventually looks at me. 

"Oh, I'm sorry." I start, "I thought you were having a conversation with the ground. I didn't want to say anything about the ground not being able to talk, but..." 

Brett laughs and I laugh too. 

"I'm sorry, Emelyn." Brett looks full of sorrow, "I seriously this time don't expect you to forgive me." 

"I forgive you. I was stupid when I didn't forgive you." I confess. 

"No. I was stupid. I hit you! An- And here I am walking. I should be in the bed with a chance of never walking." Wow. News travels fast. 

I breathe deeply. "It's seriously okay, Brett. This helps both of us strengthen our relationships with God. I have faith that I'll walk again." 

Brett sighs. "Okay."

After a long, peaceful moment of silence, I speak up. "I'm having surgery for my kidney tomorrow, and I'm scared." 

Brett comes closer to me and looks straight into my eyes. "Emelyn, you are the strongest, smartest person I know. You are going to quickly jump into recovery and conquer the world." 

I smile at Brett, "Thanks."

"The world needs more of you." 

"Thank you, Brett. That means everything to me." 

Brett smiles back at me. "I'll let you rest." 

"Okay. Goodnight, Brett."


I smiled and laid down to sleep. I grabbed my Teddy Bear and hugged it.

Slowly, sleep took over me and I joined the count of sheep.


How do you feel now? I'm proud of Emelyn. She could've made a whole chaos between her and Brett, but she strengthened their friendship. AWWW it's so cuteeee!

AWWW Jordan gave Emelyn a Teddy Bear to get well and they're the BEARS! AWWW

I'll update when I feel like it... lol hopefully again this week. I'm going to Savannah, Georgia and I want to go to the beach, but we might not :(

Weird question: Do you ever get an obsession with a clothing item? Or is it just me. I saw these cute shoes on Amazon and I got them and now I want to wear them with everything even though they're uncomfortable. 

Okay, okay. I'll end it here. 

I love you all!

Goodnight! or Good morning! or Good afternoon! 



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