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^a/n: haha d&d. my family actually started playing d&d for family home evening :)

My parents successfully avoided my curiosity for a week. Everytime I was about to mention something about it, they excused themselves to answer a phone call, get some sleep, or just talk alone.

Dad and James passed the sacrament to me after church since I haven't been able to go. The bishop gave them authority and I'm so thankful for that.

Every day after school, The Bears, Brett, and James would come over to play games. Sometimes, they had stayed up since 11 when my nurse would come in and kick them out.

Today, I was extra curious about what we'd play because yesterday they acted a little skeptical.

When they walked in with D&D shirts, I knew exactly what we were going to play.

I had always wanted to Dungeons and Dragons, and today was the day!

Jordan decided to be the Dungeon Master or DM. He spoke in a weird way, and he made me laugh often.

I decided to be a rogue. It seemed easy enough. I was a halfling dwarf, whatever that means. I chose my name to be Portia Maycon... Get it? Hahaha
Portia, Porsche? Maycon, Macon? The Porsche Macon? Hahaha

A few hours in the game, my parents, Jeremy, and Claire come in.

My mom smiled at us, rolling our dice and joking around. "Can we speak to Em alone, please?"

Justin smiled softly, and leaded everyone out, but the new visitors. Now was the time they'd tell me whatever the doctor told them, right?

Jeremy and Claire took the left side of me and my parents stayed on the right.

"It's pretty bad that this was the time I'd meet you, but hi I'm Claire, I've heard so much about you!" Claire smiled and reached her hand out. I grabbed her hand and shook it.

"It's nice to see you in person, I've only seen you in pictures," I said, smiling back.

"Same, haha," Claire grinned. She was beautiful. I'm glad Jeremy found a great woman.

"So, Em, we know you've felt confusion." I looked at my dad speaking. I nodded for him to continue. "We're so sorry, but we didn't want to worry."

With that said, I started to worry.

"Everything is fine, Emelyn." My mom said assuringly, placing her hand on my hand. "During your last procedure, the doctor found out that your right kidney is failing."

Why is my body giving up on me? Am I going to die? I don't want to die. Please don't let me die. Heavenly Father, what did I do to you?

Claire jumps in. "I want to give you my kidney."

All my feelings stop while I try to understand what she said.

"Y-you want to g-give me your k-kidney?" I sputter. She can't. She's too perfect for something like this.

Claire nodded, tears starting to collect in her eyes. "I'm sorry it took a week, but I received my answer from Heavenly Father. I believe this is part of my mission in life and I think its time to do something for someone else, not for me."

"You can't possibly give me one of your kidneys. I won't allow it. Also, when is your wedding? Like two months? You won't be ready. I'm sorry, but I'm not worth your kidney. You deserve both. End of discussion." I state, my own tears taking control of myself.

My dad tries to speak, but I cut him off.

"I said end of discussion. I can live with one kidney. Or it's time for me to return to heaven. I should sleep. Goodnight."

My mom slightly touches my hand again. "Just think about it, and pray."

When the hospital door closes, I cry louder. I'm alone. This isn't what I want. It's too late.

Sleep was on vacation tonight. I laid uncomfortably with tears stained on my face for what felt like days.

Maybe last night was the last sleep I'd have ever.


A/N: HONESTLY, I want Emelyn to stop being stubborn. JUST TAKE THE DANG KIDNEY MAN

Sorry, excuse my french.

Who else thinks Emelyn needs to get outta that hospital qquuiiiccckkkk!!

it will get better! muah!




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