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You know that moment where you are having a beautiful dream with Ryan Gossling, and them BAM! You two accidentally fall into a waterfall, and he disappears, and you end up transferring into your bed.

Exactly, me too.

I shoot up and scream. Like scream. The mysterious stranger flinches, and covers his ears. I shoot him a glare.

"Why?" I ask. "Why Brett? Out of everything you could've done, you poured water on me?!"

"It's more fun that way." He shrugs.

See, I'm a light sleeper, just a nudge, and I'm up. And I was really hoping I wouldn't drown in my sleep.

"What time is it?" I groan.

"5:30." Brett says cheekily.

"Why would you ruin my weekend like this?" I burst.

He didn't answer, just chuckled. Oh, you sun of a butternut squash!

"Why would you just come in and- wait! Where's Jeremy?"

"Packing." Brett says calmly.

"Packing for what?" Jeremy's going somewhere? What's this about?

"We're going on a road trip!" Brett exclaims with jazz hands.

I just stare at him. For a long time. Questions buzzing in my head. Why do I have to go? Do I have no say in anything now? Am I being forced in everything these days? I burst out laughing.

After a few minutes—yes, minutes—of laughing, it dies down, and I confess.

"I'm not going." I shrug, and get up, going to my bathroom. I lock the door, and start brushing my teeth.

"Come on! Please! I don't want to be the third wheel!!" Brett pounds on the door.

In between brushing my teeth, I manage to get the phrase 'get...used....to....it' out.

After getting dressed, and ready, I head down stairs to see glorious pancakes. I grab a plate, and grab two. Running peanut butter, and syrup down my pancakes, I cut them and start eating.

Little did I know, a mysterious hand grabbed the plate out of my hands, leaving me shocked, fork in hand.

"Mom!" I exclaim, and slump down in my seat. "How can you let him do this?"

"Honey, we have to treat him with respect. He will be your uncle in law." Mom shrugs and smiles.

"Ugh. Fine you can have my leftover half eaten pancake." I grumble and get up. He shrugs, and my mom talks again.

"Oh, and Em, your going on a road trip, since Monday is off, and all, you guys are going camping! Hurry up on packing you have to leave early to get there on time, it's 12 hours away!" She says cheekily also, I groan, and head upstairs with a 'yes ma'am'.

I pack many things such as, a swimming suit, goggles, basketball shorts, shirts, tennis shoes, etc. Camping in the family always meant going to the woods in a rented cabin with a pool, and stuff, what's so different this time?

I head downstairs, and we leave. We exchange our goodbye's to mom, dad, Irisa, and Vance. There's six of us going, me, Brett, Jeremy, Claire, James, and Steven(one of the teachers from church that's friends with James).

Being the second and third oldest, we got the middle row of the car. Also, being the tired person I am, I fell asleep easily.

Also, also, being woken up at 6:00pm from a big jerk, sucks.

"We're here!" Jeremy shouts, and I jerk up. "Come on! We gotta make it to the beach this evening!"

We all hurry into the cabin, and take turns going to the bathroom to change. As I'm waiting for the others to be done, I wonder how the pool will feel.

"Hey Jeremy?" I ask out.

"Yeah?" He shouts back from one of the bathrooms.

"How's the pool supposed to be?" I wonder aloud.

He chuckles, "No, it's a beach."

"Oh ok—wait what? A beach? We've never been 'camping' at a beach!" I exclaim.

He chuckles more, and says "Look around, this is a beach house" as he gets out of the bathroom.

I shrug, "I'm tired. Someone, not saying who, woke me up at 5 freaking 30."

"Whatever, let's go!" Jeremy shouts, and we all start to head out the door. All of the sudden, I'm walking alone, and I feel a cold little droplet on my shoulder. I dramatically look up to see..... Nothing? But then I look in front of me to see.....

Did I say that out loud?

I hear everyone laugh hysterically, but I shrug it off, and run to the crashing waves. Once I'm drenched, I look to see everyone else jumping in and having fun.

What sucks is that I ended up being tossed around in the water like monkey in the middle. In the air. It was between Jeremy, and Brett. Finally, Brett dropped me in the water, and I swam towards shore. I started building a sand castle, with a moat.

Like all of my dreams, a big foot crushed my castle. I let out a dramatic cry, and said. "Why? Why do you always have to ruin something about me? Cue the dramatic faint." And I pretended to faint.

"Come on, we're going to roast marshmallows." Brett says, holding his hand out for me, I gladly take it, and we head back to the beach house.

This has been the most fun I've had in years. It's nice.


Aye boo! I'm so sorry I haven't update much, but hopefully this helps? Well I love all of y'all!

Holy Fadoodle Cakes! 80 reads? That's so muchhhhh!! TYSM! Every single one of you!

•Don't Be A Silent Reader, Tell Me How To Improve!•

Whale(🐳), byeeeeeee!


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