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General Conference was today and tomorrow. That means no church. Oh goodie!

I'm not saying I don't like church, I'm just saying dressing up is so much work at times. Especially when your program starts at 9 am.

We ate breakfast and watched General Conference. Oh no, did I forget something? Yeah. Jeremy invited his fiance's family over. Brett included. The guy who stood me up. Yeah, him.

I couldn't think right through the first one.. It was so hard to write notes in my journal when I felt eyes staring at the side of my head. Once the closing prayer to the 12:00 session was said, I jumped up and spoke.

"Who wants to go to the park?" I looked at the mesh of families to see the kids raising their hands. "Vance? James? Irisa? Good. Let's go!!"

I grabbed my keys and picked up Irisa. "We'll be back in time."

"Um, sweetie, aren't you forgetting someone?" I looked at my mother, and then at everyone else.

"Brett doesn't look like he wants to go." I quickly say, and turn to leave again.

"I'll go." Seriously?

"Alright, let's go." I pushed all the kids out.

Unlocking my car, I get in and wait for everyone else. Brett sits in the front.  Of course, he does.

When we get to the park, Irisa screams.

"Vance has cooties!" Brett, James, and I laugh. But Vance argues.

"I do not!!" Vance yells back. "Irisa has cooties!"

Irisa gasps. "Nuh-uh!"

"Uh huh."


"Uh huh."

"Nuh u–"

"Come on cootie-infected kids. Let's go play." I spoke, laughing.

Immediately, both the kids yelled.

"I don't have cooties!"


I opened my journal and wrote:

Gary E. Stevenson-
The Eclipse showed the moon almost cover the sun all the way. The Moon is 400 times smaller than the sun. The sun is 400 times farther from Earth than the moon. Don't let the little things affect the big picture. Your Heavenly Father loves you and wants you to return to heaven.

As I entered the school, I got a text from a random number but knew exactly who it was.

Hey babe
It's the Bears.

I texted back.
Why, hello.

I was still confused with the whole kidnapping Saturday night. We got ice cream and then the next I know, I'm back at home. How does that happen?

Wait. Was I drugged?

We didn't drug you.

I laugh at the irony and text back.

How do I know for sure??

You just have to believe.

Ok, are you a friend of Jeremy?

I ask randomly.

We don't know what you're talking about.

Oh come on, that's like the ultimate "i-did-it-and-you'll-probably-find-out".

Yes, we know him... He's our friend.

As I turn the corner, I drop my jaw.

"Why isn't she texting back?" Sebastian asks, looking at the phone Jordan's holding.

"Oh hey, Emelyn!" Declan smiles, waving.

a/n: that was my favorite talk from that conference, what was yours?

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