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"I'm ok..." He breathes out. And then he fell.

"Sorry....?" I say loudly, and everyone looks amused, and worried.

Oh gosh... I run over to him, and take my two fingers over his neck. I feel his pulse, and let out a quick sigh of relief.

What did I learn at girls camp?? Snakes. Any snake bites?


Right.. Um, head trauma? I check his head. No dents.

"Uhh, sister Mayberro?" I yell, and she comes in to view.

"Yes?" She asks sweetly.

"WHAT DID I LEARN AT GIRLS CAMP??" I yell back, and people start laughing.

"Take him outside to the couch outside of the chapel." Sister Mayberro chuckles.

"Ok." I say and drag him by his feet to the couches.

Once he's on the couch, I wipe sweat off of my forehead. What? He's heavy. No that's an understatement. He's the weight of an adult elephant! ADULT elephant.

I sit there on the floor waiting for him to wake. After a while, he finally wakes up.

"I'm sorry!" I exclaim.

"Uhh, for what?" Brett asks, dumbfounded.

"Kicking a ball that hit you in the face!"

"Ohh, is that why my face hurts, and my head is throbbing?" Brett asks.

"Yeah..." I say embarrassed.

"It's ok. Maybe I.. Maybe I don't belong here in your church." Brett says.

"Nonsense. You just don't belong near me!" I say, chuckling.

"Yeah, that's probably it." Brett agrees.

I think he's still light headed.

"Jeremy's here, let's go." I say, standing up.

"Ok..." Brett says, getting up.

Luckily, we make it outside, and into the car. I let Brett sit in the front seat, and I sit in the back.

Once me and Jeremy make it home, I head up stairs. I sit on my bed, and yawn.

My phone beeps, and I look at it.

Wanna chill tomorrow after school?

Sure. Why not.

Cool. I'm thinking of horse back riding. My family has two.

Cool. See ya tomorrow!

See ya!

I yawn, and put my phone down. I quickly change into pajamas, and let my dreams devour me.

After Math, I walk to Social Studies.

"Hello class! We're have a quiz about the 1800s today. A little off topic to our unit, but it strikes my mind that you need to be quizzed on this. Take a sheet, and pass. Once you get your paper, you may begin." Mrs. Vanders says, and passes out the papers to the front rows.

The front rows each take one, turn around and pass them. I take my sheet of paper, and turn around to the person behind me and give them the stack.

I look down at the paper. Mormons. Yup, I'm going to fail this quiz because of the real beliefs.

1. True or false. Mormons have more than one wife. False.

2. Mormons can't drink sodas. False.

The life of me(LDS STORY)(UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon