Chapter 3

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I awoke in a strange room on an uncomfortable chair. I tried to move off of it, but I couldn't. I looked down and saw that I was tied to the chair, with my mouth gagged, and there was a man sleeping in the bed next to me. I mumbled around the gag, waking the man up.

"Oh, shut up," he groaned, throwing a pillow at me.

Ignoring him, I continued on squirming and yelling around the gag and ropes. Doing this, I unknowingly angered the man, ans he shot up and held a knife against my arm.

"I said shut up, and I swear to god if you don't shut up, I will fucking cut you." He growled.

Nodding, I shut up and took a moment to admire him. He had medium,  wavy, chestnut hair with beautiful, golden-brown eyes. He was shirtless and had an outline of abs along with a few scars that looked like they were from knives or bullets. The thought of that scared me, what person would have knife and bullet scars? He also had muscular arms and a silver nose ring that glistened in the dim light.

"Alright, I am going to have to untie you so we can leave this shitty hotel, and you are not going to scream, cry, or even speak. Is that clear?" He grumbled, looking me dead in the eye.

Whimpering, I nodded, and he began untying me. Once he was done, I stood still, stiff; I didn't move at all.

Quickly he gathered the rope and shoved it in a bag with all of his clothes.

"Come on, we're leaving, and so it doesn't look suspicious you are going to hold my hand and act like my girlfriend, even if you are beneath me." He said, grabbing my hand and jerking me out the door.

Nearly falling down, I caught myself and walked with him, trying to fake some happiness. After a tortuously long elevator ride, we reached the front desk. He put an arm around my waist and squeezed me so tightly I almost whimpered. Instead I faked a smile and rested my head on his shoulder while he returned his room key.

"Come on, princess, we need to leave." He said with a sickly sweet voice, dragging me out.

After walking for a bit, we reached a black car. He opened the back door and shoved me in, and he sat next to me, squishing me in the middle.

"Aye, Vic, what took so long?" A guy covered in tattoos asked from the front of the car.

"Got myself a little treat," Vic, I assume, said, throwing an arm around my shoulder.

"Damn, not bad lookin'. She going to join the help?" A guy next to me asked while smoking what looks like a joint.

"Oh yeah, and she will do a little more than that. And Mike, I swear to god, put that damn thing away. I don't want the damn car reeking of weed." Vic said.

I just bowed my head and let silent tears run down my face, knowing as soon as we get to wherever it is we're going, I will be raped and probably even worse.


An hour or two later I felt a quick jolt and was woken up from I assume falling asleep in the car.

"Get up, whore, we have a plane to catch." Vic said, grabbing my hair and dragging me out of the car.

I whimpered, just to be met with a slap to the face.

"Okay, no more mister nice guy. On the plane we will discuss the rules and such, but until then you don't speak, stay with me, and don't look my in the eye; you are beneath me." He spat, dragging me on to what seemed like a private plane.

I stayed silent as we entered and were met with an empty plane, except the guys in the car and a man who was in the pilot's seat.

"Alright, guys, I'm going to inform my new bitch about everything, so don't do anything stupid." Vic said as he walked to a back room with me following closely behind.

He shut and locked the door, gesturing for me to sit down on a chair next to a bed. I carefully sat down and placed my shaking hands in my lap. I looked down, too scared of being slapped again to look Vic in the eye.

"Alright," he said, sitting on the bed. "Basically the number one thing you need to know is that you are mine and nobody else's. I don't want you even touching other people. You do what I say, when I say it, and you don't complain. Is that clear?"

Not wanting to speak, I just nodded my head, watching Vic as he left me in the room. I just sat there for the rest of the flight.

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