Chapter 16

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It had been a few days since our impromptu shopping trip, and it had taken a toll on me. I actually felt stupid wearing regular clothes when doing my chores, not that I had many to do anymore. Vic had basically cut my list in half, giving the chores he had taken off to some other slaves. They all stared at me as I worked; I wasn't sure if they stared in confusion or hatred or whatever else, but it made me feel isolated. As sick and twisted as it was, I was used to doing my hours of chores in skimpy clothing. I kind of wanted that back, but I didn't dare argue with Vic. Although, I could probably talk him into it. He had been very kind to me lately, treating me like I'm something precious. At first I was freaked out, then flattered, but it was beginning to annoy me. I was perfectly fine with him ignoring me, but now that he knows how fucked up I am, he's pitying me. It's incredibly irritating, and he just won't stop. I've considered politely asking him to stop, but he's just being so nice that I can't. I don't want to hurt his feelings or anger him. That's another thing- I've come to the conclusion that Vic does in fact have feelings. I guess I just thought that anyone involved in gangs was a heartless shell, but Vic wasn't. It was odd knowing that he could snap someone's neck moments before he comes to offer me lunch, which I am pretty sure is what happened when he brought me a sandwich yesterday. I don't think any gangster could be that happy if they didn't just kill somebody, but I digress.

I have considered asking him why he's treating me like I'm special, knowing that he'll use the rape victim excuse. I wanted to use that to explain to him that I don't need new clothes, less jobs, and surprise lunches just because that happened. I didn't know if it's just because of the rape in general or if he was trying to compensate for his dick brother, but I honestly wanted him to stop. I decided I had finally built up enough courage to confront him about it. I finished the few jobs I had left and marched up to his bedroom. I could hear the TV running, so I knew he was in there. Throwing the door open, I proudly walked in to his bedroom with my head held high, ready to talk this through with him. Immediately my excellent posture failed me as I nearly fell to the ground at the sight in front of me. Vic was lying on his bed in all his naked glory; his strong hand was wrapped firmly around a monster of a cock. I would like to say I didn't find it attractive at all, so I won't comment on the matter any further. Of course Vic had noticed my grand entrance and scrambled to pause the TV and pull a sheet over himself. His pausing the TV so quickly made me wonder what was on it, and I turned to find a very explicit frame of gay porn. I squealed and shielded my eyes. After the initial shock of the situation, I spoke.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry! I didn't- I mean I- we need to-" I was at a loss for words. I had never witnessed someone else masturbating. Hell, I hadn't even done it that often myself, let alone watched porn while doing so. I had no idea how to react in this situation, but the only thing I could think of was Vic's face right before he took in that I had entered the room. His eyes had been slightly closed in such a delicate manner, and his jaw hung open in pleasure. The image made me shiver, and I could feel my own dick start to twitch. I panicked, not wanting Vic to see that I was developing a boner over him, so I quickly thought of my old hamster, Lola. That calmed me down a little, just enough for me to get a grip. I uncovered my eyes a little bit only to see the vicious glare Vic was sending my way. I gulped and cleared my throat awkwardly, wringing my hands nervously.

"I, um, I-I had to talk to you. I can, erm, come back later?" I turned on my heel to speed out of his bedroom when he called out to me.

"Come back, slave." He commanded. The tone of his voice wasn't angry- it was lustful? I was confused momentarily, but I snapped out of it and returned to his room.

"Close the door," he ordered me, and I did so. He then motioned for me to go to him. I felt my face heat up as I took hesitant steps towards his bed. When I stood beside it, he grabbed my wrist and yanked me down. I fell on top of him, and I tried to get up, but he held me down. He maneuvered me so that I was sat on his lap, and I could feel his boner against my ass.

"You seem so innocent, Pet. Tell me, do you know what I am doing?" He asked, running a finger up my jean-clad thigh. I gulped and nodded my head.

"Say it, slave," he demanded.

"Y-you were m-masturbating," I choked out. I felt all of my hairs standing on end as his finger traced my ribs under my shirt. He then pulled my shirt off, making me gasp. I wrapped my arms around myself, but he pulled them away.

"Very good. And do you know what that is?" He referred to the TV, still paused on an image of two men fucking. My cheeks blushed a deep red, and I nodded slightly.

"Porn," I whispered, shivering when his finger returned to running up and down my thigh, except this time he ran it towards my zipper and unzipped it. My breathing hitched, and I could feel sweat drip down my forehead. My dick was straining against my jeans by now, and no thoughts of Lola could stop it now.

"Have you ever gotten off to porn before, Pet?" I shook my head vigorously, embarrassed at the mere idea of me jacking off to porn. Vic chuckled at my behaviour as he massaged my hips beneath the waist of my jeans. I laid my head back on his shoulder, letting my eyes fall shut.

"Hmm, so innocent. We'll have to change that right now," he told me in a sultry tone. My eyes shot open right as he began to tug down my jeans. At first I thought that I should be fighting him off and running for the hills, but the I realized that I was enjoying it. That surprised me so much that I didn't even notice Vic pull down my boxers until relief ran through my abdomen from my dick being freed from its restraints. Vic lightly traced the side of it, making me hum in pleasure and lay my head back on his shoulder. He reached over to grab the remote and continued the porn. The men's moans and the slapping of skin on skin were the only sounds in the room. Vic swirled his finger around my tip, making me suck in a breath. He teased me for a few more seconds before finally wrapping his hand around me. He began to pump slowly, making me let out a couple breathy moans. As the men's moans sped up, so did Vic's hand. I hadn't done this often, so I didn't take long before I could feel the pleasure building. Vic's hand kept going faster and faster as my moans became louder. I was just about to come when the porn ended and Vic released me. I let out an indignant cry and went to finish myself off.

"No, Pet, you don't get to come. You interrupted me when I was about to finish, so now you don't get to. If I find out that you touched it, you will get a far worse punishment that orgasm denial. Understood?" Vic said. I nodded sadly, staring at my painfully hard dick. It would take hours for it to go down, not to mention I couldn't put my jeans back on without it being immensely painful. I carefully got up and collected my clothes, waddling to my room down the hallway. Luckily everyone else was downstairs so I wasn't caught naked. I entered my room and fell onto my bed, sighing. I stared down at my dick once again and let out a growl of frustration. This would be a long night.

I am so so sorry this is late! I've been super busy lately, but I promise I'll try to get back on track. I hope you enjoyed this bit of sexual tension 😉

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