Chapter 15

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When I woke up, I was back in my bedroom. I rolled onto my back lazily, not wanting to get up and do chores. After a few more minutes of staring at the ceiling, I decided it would be best to get up and get everything I needed to do done so I could hang out in my room the rest of the day. I put on yet another piece of lingerie from the seemingly endless amount of them in my closet. I had only had to do laundry once in the time I've been here because there were so many pairs of bras and panties and stockings. I had actually gotten quite comfortable walking around barely clothed, but that might be because I was happy to finally be wearing feminine things without getting beaten for it.

I walked downstairs and grabbed an orange to eat before I got started. I cut it up into slices before eating it, slurping up all the sweet juice that insisted on running down my chin. I did this for every piece until I heard a laugh. I looked up and saw Vic watching me, laughing probably at the large amount of pulp sliding down my face. He walked over to me, still laughing, and grabbed a paper towel. As he calmed himself down, he wiped away the fruit that covered my chin, lips, and cheeks. I felt myself blush slightly at the sweet gesture, and I knew he had noticed. I turned my head away slightly, only to have him gently turn it back towards him. He looked me in the eyes, probably trying to see any emotion like that I had displayed yesterday.

"How are you feeling today?" He asked. I shrugged as I cleaned off the plate I had used.

"Fine, I guess. I feel a little better that I got it off my chest," I told him. He nodded and leaned against the counter, watching me clean the plate. I glanced back at him a couple times, and he was always looking at me. When the plate was safely back in the cupboard, I turned to him.

"Why are you looking at me?" I asked him, wondering if there was pulp in my hair or something. I wasn't sure why I cared how I looked around him, but I didn't want him to think I was messy or a pig. He just continued to stare at me before leaving the kitchen. I raised my eyebrow at his retreating figure but shrugged it off. He was just being the same weird Vic he always was. I got out my usual basket of supplies and headed off to dust the living room.

It wasn't until I was nearly finished with all my chores that I saw Vic again. I usually went hours without getting a glimpse of him, so this wasn't anything new, but this time he came to talk to me. He walked up and just grabbed my cleaning cloth and basket from me, setting it on a nearby table.

"Hey, I'm not done," I said, slightly irritated that he had interrupted me.

"Now you are. I'll have someone else finish up your jobs," he said, grabbing me wrist and pulling me upstairs. I felt a little guilty that someone else would have to finish my work, but I decided not to argue with Vic. He pulled me upstairs and into my bedroom.

"Get on some public-appropriate clothes," he demanded. He hadn't been very master-like lately, so this was a little bit of a shock, but I should've known I'd always just be a slave. Regardless, I was interested to know why I needed to change. I was excited to be leaving the house for the first time since my arrival, but I was slightly skeptical as to where we would be going and what we would be doing.

"Let's go, Pet. I have things to do today," Vic called out. I rolled my eyes and threw a Bad Religion t-shirt and some skinny jeans I had found in the back of my closet. I went downstairs and saw Vic waiting by the front door. He muttered something under his breath before walking outside. I followed him to the gorgeous car sitting in his driveway. It almost seemed too classy to drive, but Vic got in and started it up. I wasn't sure if I should sit in the backseat or beside him, so I awkwardly stood next to the car. Vic looked up at me and shook his head, pointing to the passenger's seat. I blushed a little, slightly embarrassed at my apparent "I am beneath you" tendencies, before getting in. Vic pulled out at the speed of light, and we were off.

The entire ride was silent, and the radio quietly played Pink Floyd. Occasionally I would catch Vic mumbling the lyrics to himself as he drove along. I smiled at that because it was almost like Vic was an average guy instead of some crazy gang leader that kidnaps people to be his slaves. With that thought, I realized that Vic hadn't mentioned anything about sex before or after I told him what had happened when he was gone. Maybe he would just let me do chores and have someone else satisfy his needs. Either that or he would get rid of me because I was now useless to him. The idea of him making me leave made me a little sad, much to my surprise. Who wouldn't want to leave this awful, enslaved life? I guess it was just nice having a reliable place for food and shelter and not being judged for anything. It was ironic that I felt more free at Vic's than I did at home. Before I could get too involved in my thoughts, we pulled up next to a large shopping mall. I looked around curiously, taking in all the displays of high-end fashion. The environment was similar to what I would imagine New York to be like, except it was much warmer here. Vic gave his keys to a valet and started walking towards a large building. I didn't want to get lost among the thousands of people milling around, so I quickly caught up to Vic.

"So what are we doing here?" I asked him. He turned to look at me briefly before continuing toward the building. It appeared to be a department store, but I wasn't sure yet.

"We are getting you some new clothes. You will no longer be wearing the usual uniform," he replied. I stopped for a moment in shock but shook it off and ran up to Vic.

"What do you mean? That's the uniform for all the slaves, are you going to buy all the others new things?" I questioned. I didn't know what he was doing; he had made it incredibly clear the first day that I had to wear the lingerie. Why was he changing that now?

"I'm trying to make you more comfortable," he told me. For a moment it seemed like there was something else he was going to say, but he brushed it off. By now we had entered the store, surrounded by racks upon racks of beautiful skirts and leggings and dresses. I nearly squealed, but Vic's words were still confusing me. Was he actually being nice to me? Trying to make me feel better about what happened by not forcing me to show off my body? I felt a little pleased to be on Vic's good side, but I was also a little irritated that I was finally comfortable wearing the lingerie, only to be told I wouldn't be wearing it anymore. Besides, I didn't need special treatment. My nightmares had been occurring less and less since I told Vic, so I was pretty sure I would be okay soon. Nonetheless, I didn't voice my irritation to Vic. I just let him drag me around the shopping mall, letting me pick out anything I wanted. It cheered me up a lot, especially because he let me buy a variety of clothes, such as skirts, tights, jeans, v-necks. I had a lot more options now, but I still missed my lingerie. I told myself I could wear it under these new clothes, but it wouldn't be the same.

It was late when we got home, and Vic immediately went up to his office. I had five bags of clothes to drag up to my room, and as soon as I got there, I passed out on my bed. It felt nice to have someone care for me again, even if he was an asshole sometimes. I wondered if Vic was only doing this out of sympathy, but it didn't matter. I would take any kind of care I got, even if it was pity.

Sorry if this is terrible, it's half filler, half going-to-be-important-next-time. I also didn't have a lot of inspiration to move the story along, so just take this weirdness until I post a better chapter next week. Also, I forgot to post the second chapter of my new story "Found at Midnight" on the designated day, so I posted it a few minutes ago. Please go check that out, it's going to be interesting. Even though this chapter sucked, I hope you enjoyed some aspect of it. (By the way, would it be cool to do a character ask for this story? I quite like those, and I think this story would be fun to do it for because there are some interesting characters).

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