Valentine's Bonus Chapter

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I raided my closet, tearing through everything I owned in desperation. Otto, Geoff, and Awsten were perched on my bed, watching my slightly psychotic attack on my closet. 

"Guys, what am I going to wear? I need to dazzle him, and I can't do that if I wear something he's already seen." I whined, leaving the closet and flopping face down onto my bed. 

"Yeah, he's seen everything you own, on and off." Awsten snickered. I heard a thump, and he stopped, so I assumed one of the others smacked him. I appreciated their defending me, but it didn't help. It was true; Vic had seen all of my lingerie. I now had approximately eighteen hours before Vic came back, and I gave him his Valentine's gift. I wasn't slutty enough to only give him myself, nor was I cheesy and unoriginal enough to just wrap myself in a little ribbon. I had planned out an entire evening. 

It would start off with him coming home to a huge dinner, made by yours truly, with the help of the three idiots, of course. We would eat and catch up, and he would have some time to relax from him flight home. Then the real fun would start. We would watch his favourite movie, Wayne's World, but near the end, I would sneak out and put on my outfit. Then I would wait for him to go looking for me when I don't return, and I'd ensured that he'll find his way to me. Obviously then we'll have super hot sex until we can't move. The night would be absolutely perfect. Well, it would be once I found something to make his pants drop all on their own. This called for a really quick shopping trip. 

"We're on a mission, guys, so get your shoes on, and let's go!" I commanded sternly, watching them shove each other out of the room. I shook my head at their childishness and slipped on something nicer than the sweats and tank top I was wearing. 

It took fifteen minutes for us to get into the car because a certain blue-haired fellow simply couldn't decide which shoes to wear. It was so ridiculous that I nearly slapped him, but Geoff got there first. Now Awsten was sat in the backseat, pouting from the "abuse". Geoff was next to him, giggling on and off about the situation. Otto was in the passenger's seat because he's the most calm and tolerable of the three, plus he's always bringing me snacks he makes. It's hard to not play favourites when one of them brings you brownies all the time.  

I drove us to the mall without any incidents, which is a real achievement with the guys. They are honestly a mess, I just can't stress that enough. I darted for Victoria's Secret the moment we entered the mall. The guys followed suit, complaining all the way that they'd have to go into a lingerie store. I turned to glare at them, and apparently my stink eye was enough to shut them up. I kept a close eye on them as I browsed the store, picking out a variety of things to try on. Once I had scouted the entire store, I found an empty changing room and checked out all of the prospects. 

It took nearly an hour and the promise of churros later to finish the shopping trip. About forty-five minutes in, the boys became antsy, so I promised to buy them churros from the food court before we left if they behaved. Luckily, they really love churros, so they patiently waited near the entrance for me to finish. I ended up picking out two different outfits: a lacy, maroon, peek-a-boo teddy and a plum, satin kimono. I would pick my favourite later, but now I had two new pieces to impress Vic with. 

I gathered up Awsten, Geoff, and Otto, swinging by the food court to buy them churros before we left, and it wasn't long before we finally got back home. I went up to the bedroom and screamed. Lying on the bed, in nothing but tight, tight briefs, was Vic. He jumped at the sound of my shriek, looking at me wide-eyed. I had a hand clasped over my heart, feeling the beat race from surprise. I was both ecstatic and upset that he was here. Why was he here anyways? 

"How are you here right now? You aren't supposed to be home until tomorrow," I asked in disbelief. Don't get me wrong, I love that he's home early, but now my surprise won't be as exciting. 

"It's just a little Valentine's gift. I didn't want to only spend the evening with you tomorrow, so I figured that I'd come home early. Now we can spend the entirety of Valentine's Day together." He explained. I nodded, blushing from how sweet he was. I guess it wouldn't be too hard to reschedule when the surprise would take place. Maybe I could skip the dinner part and just cut to the movie and hot sex. Whatever the case may be, I still had something to deal with. Vic had gotten up from the bed and was sauntering towards me. His briefs tightened against him with every step, revealing every inch of his bulge. It wouldn't surprise me if I had been drooling right then because Vic looked absolutely drool-worthy. He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me to him. I dropped the bag on the floor, my eyes fluttering shut as his lips grazed my neck. They trailed up to my ear and carefully kissed the skin right below it. 

"I know it isn't Valentine's until tomorrow, but I don't think I can wait any longer," was all he said before tugging me onto the bed and ravishing my lips. I couldn't think straight, but I could register my hands undoing my jeans. They were thrown on the floor as soon as they were off and were quickly followed by my shirt. The only sounds in the room were our breathing and my breathy moans. 

All too soon Vic pulled back, but he returned to me soon enough, equipped with a condom and lube. He expertly slid on the condom, and as he was about to coat himself, I stopped him. I did the honours, carefully massaging him as I covered his dick in lube. He let this go on for a bit but pushed my hand away before he got carried away. He slid into me without warning, adding that lovely element of pain. My eyes screwed shut, and I writhed beneath him. He intertwined our fingers and held my arms above my head. Our moans filled the air, along with the squeaking of the bed. He moved quickly, not giving me a moment to catch my breath. I squealed and groaned, thoroughly enjoying this early present. 

With the way we were going, it wasn't too much of a shock that we finished quickly. Vic had been thrusting at inhuman speeds, brutally attacking my body with all sorts of sensations. We let go almost simultaneously, letting out deep, guttural groans. We completed it with a passionate kiss before Vic disposed of the condom and cleaned the both of us up. He then lied down next to me, and I rolled into his chest. I cuddled up to him, allowing his arm to encircle me. I looked up at him and took in the pure adoration that was in his eyes. 

"I love you, Vic." 

"I love you, too, Princess. Happy Early Valentine's Day." 

Happy Early Valentine's Day! Am I the only one flustered from that smutty scene? It wasn't the craziest or most exciting sex, but it was a little intense writing it.  This is a little treat for all of you guys who enjoyed "Possession", and for those of you who will spend the day reading Kellic instead of having a Valentine, like myself. For those of you who are lucky enough to have someone, please explain to me how one flirts because the art is totally lost on me. Well, that's enough about my pitiful love life. Regardless of what you're doing tomorrow, you should check out my new stories, "Twin Skeletons" and "Selfish Machines". "Selfish Machines" is a little collection of short stories I wrote for each song on said album It's a little dark, so if you don't get triggered by suicide, self-harm, or anything of the like, then please go take a look at those. As for "Twin Skeletons", that is my new Kellic, and it will be updated tomorrow, but right now the prologue is up. You should also check out "Found at Midnight" because that's a super cool story, too. I hope you guys enjoyed this little surprise chapter, and if you read my other stories, I'll see ya soon. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2017 ⏰

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