Chapter 12

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Early update at the request of KittenAndGio and angelbitten-, and I just really wanted to update it because things are finally happening. Be warned, it was written very quickly and on the spot, so I don't know how good it'll be. I might edit it at some point if it sucks, but I hope you enjoy it.

The next day I avoided Mike as much as possible. I still completed all my chores because I didn't want to anger him or Vic, but they were done as quickly as humanely possible. I finished in record time and raced up to my bedroom. The whole incident had me thinking a lot, and both the actual event and the thoughts were taking a huge toll on my mental state. I just kept wondering: wondering what it would be like if my parents were accepting, what it would be like if I hadn't come out or wasn't gay, what would have happened if Mike had found me first instead of Vic, and how my life could have been had I not been kidnapped at all.

All of those questions had spun around my head while I was scrubbing away at various counters and tiles, but only one kept coming to the forefront of my mind, and it had come back to haunt me when I had no menial task to distract me: would Vic ever rape me? That really set me on edge. For some odd reason I believed that Vic would never do that, and that he was the kinder, better of the two, but if he could kidnap, brand, and enslave someone, why shouldn't he have the capability to rape them as well? I cringed as I thought through that possibility once more. I didn't know how I'd feel when Vic arrived home tomorrow. Of course I was relieved that Mike would be leaving, but would I fear Vic more than I already do? I had begun to get used to him and even consider him a bit of an acquaintance rather than a master. Should I even tell him what his brother did to me? Once that thought popped into my head, I began to panic. I couldn't tell him! He would never believe me over his own brother, and everyone saw how close they were. I would just get in big trouble, and Vic might take me into that crazy sex dungeon and rape me again.

My breathing became labored, and I subconsciously began to claw at my thighs, tearing the lace stockings I was wearing. I felt like I was trapped in a foreign body, and I needed an escape. Spots appeared in my vision as I kept heaving for air that wouldn't come. I felt my body get heavy and collapse onto my mattress. My eyes fluttered against my will, and I strained to keep them open. All too soon I gave in and felt all of my muscles relax. Before I completely submitted to unconsciousness, I let out a sigh of relief and smiled, happy to have a chance to leave this world for a little while.

I was very disoriented when I felt feeling come back to my body. I could breathe normally again, and my body no longer had that feeling of steel in my veins. I tried to sit up, only to be pushed back down. My vision was still slightly blurry, so I couldn't see what had done that, but I immediately began to freak out. I feared that Mike had caught me while I was unconscious and was planning to ravage my body while I was unaware. Screams left my mouth one after another as I thrashed around, trying to fight off the force holding me down. I heard shouting and panicked conversation, but I took that as Mike yelling at me, so I struggled harder. Suddenly there was a stinging sensation in my cheek, and I instantly froze. I clamped my eyes shut, not wanting to watch the repeat of yesterday. Hands cupped my cheeks, and I flinched, not opening my eyes even for a moment.

"Kellin," he said, but it didn't sound anything like the disgusting, lust-filled voice that had taunted me in my dreams.

"Kellin, what the hell? Open your eyes!" I started shaking from being yelled at and pushed the hands away from my face. I rolled onto my side and curled up into a tight ball, wishing that this person would go away. I felt a weight leave the bed and let out a breath when I realized they had left. When I opened my eyes, I was met with a pair of brown ones staring directly into them I squealed in fear and jumped up. Instead of leaving the room, they had just moved to kneel in front of me. Standing up, I had a good view of who it was.

"Vic? You aren't supposed to be back until tomorrow," I mumbled in a wobbly voice, trying not to seem afraid. He stood up and walked over to me, standing right in front of me and searching my face.

"What just happened?" He asked sternly, and I couldn't seem to look him in the eye. My gaze ran across the room, scanning over the walls, closet, ceiling, anything but him.

"W-what do you me-an?" I choked out, feeling my breathing start to get heavier. I shut my eyes, trying to stay calm and pretend like everything is fine.

"You know what I mean. I come in here to find you completely knocked out, and then when you wake up, I try to keep you from getting up and moving around, and you lose your shit on me. What the hell is wrong with you?" The way he worded it made me seem like a freak; what was wrong with me? I could write him a list, but I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate it. I decided it would be best to avoid the truth as long as I could.

"Oh, s-sorry. I didn't get much sleep last night because of a nightmare, so I fell asleep. Then I felt someone grab me, I thought it was another nightmare. Sorry," I told him. It wasn't a complete lie; I had gotten multiple nightmares last night, so I opted for just staying up for the remainder of the night. He narrowed his eyes at me for a moment, making me nervous, but then he nodded and backed up from me a bit.

"Well, you seem to be just fine now. Get dressed and come downstairs. Everyone is to thank Mike for his time and then get straight to work." Just the name made me shudder, and I wanted to throw up, even though there was nothing in my stomach. I just nodded and stared at my feet until Vic left the room. I blinked away tears as I got dressed in another one of the seemingly endless sets of lacy bras and panties, quickly finding my stockings and garters before trudging downstairs.

All of Vic's slaves were gathered around the front door, much like they had been when Vic had left. The moment I saw Mike, my knees almost gave in, and I had to fight to keep calm. So many emotions were coursing through me at the mere sight of him, and it was strenuous to get the rest of the way down the steps and up to the crowd. I stood in the back, hoping no one would notice me, but Mike was a giant, so of course he saw me. Weaving his way through the crowd, he sidled up to me and draped an arm across my shoulders. I tried not to shove him off of me because I could see Vic watching us out of the corner of my eye. I looked up to see Mike gazing down at me. I noticed how similar his eyes are to Vic's, and I wished I hadn't. All the thoughts I'd forgotten about for a little while came rushing back, and I felt dizzy from the force of them. Mike just smirked down at me before leaning in.

"There's more where that came from, Princess. I'll be back soon," he murmured, placing a kiss on my neck before making his way back up to the front door. I watched as Vic's eyes followed his brother, a frown firmly planted on his lips. Suddenly his eyes darted back towards me, and we made momentary eye contact before I shied away and looked elsewhere. Then he spoke.

"Slaves, thank my brother for watching over you while I was gone. I hope everyone behaved, or else your sorry ass will be punished," he said menacingly. Everyone chorused out their thanks, eager to get away from Vic and return to their jobs. Vic nodded in approval before hugging his brother and escorting him out. The rest of the group went to finish what they were doing before this interruption, but I just stood there. What was I going to do with myself?

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