Chapter 5

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A loud bang woke me from my sleep, and I shot up, looking around an unfamiliar room before remembering where I was. Right, I've been taken to be some hot guy's personal sex toy.

"Get the fuck up, bitch," I heard Vic yell through the door.

Groaning, I stood up and moved off of the stiff floor, letting out a small moan when my back cracked. I made my way to the closet and pulled out one of my dresses and my old, battered Converse, the only shoes that I've had since I was kicked out.

I cautiously opened my door and made my way downstairs. I saw Vic eating and I looked down to the floor, remembering that I was beneath him and how I couldn't look him in the eye.

"The fuck are you wearing?" Vic asked, looking at my clothes.

"Um, my clothes?" I said, questioning why he was angry with what I was wearing.

"Do you not fucking remember what I told you yesterday?" he spat at me.

Quickly I rack my brain for memory of what he said to me about what I would wear, then I remembered. "Your closet is filled with outfits I would like you to wear for every day, but you will wear the clothes in your bag when we have guest over."

"Um, to only wear these clothes when you have guests over," I whimpered, afraid of what he would do.

"Correct. Now go change, fucking tranny." He shouted, shooing me upstairs.

I quickly made my way upstairs to my sad room. I opened the closet and scanned through the outfits, seeing that there wasn't much except lace lingerie. Sighing, I grabbed a random piece and pulled it on. I had black panties with hints of sparkles in them, glittering in the light. Next was a thin dress-like thing that was also black lace and very thin. I pulled it on over the panties and went back downstairs.

"About fucking time," Vic said once I reentered the dining room.

"Sorry," I mumbled looking down.

He just ignored me and stood up from the table. "Just leave me alone, go work with the help. If I need you, I'll call you." He said and walked away.

I stood there, not knowing what to do exactly until a skinny girl appeared by me. She had a pixie cut with chocolate brown hair, and she was taller that me, with a petite body.

"Um, Victor said that you were going to work with us. Come with me, please." She said, leading me to what I presumed was the kitchen.


The day was boring, and nothing happened. I took Vic his food at lunch because he decided that he wanted me to not only be his personal sex toy, but also his personal waiter. He told all of the staff the new ruling, just so I couldn't get out of serving him.

"You know, after dinner I was thinking that we could have some fun." Vic said after I brought him his food in his office that was by my room.

I froze, scared stiff. Vic stood up and circled me, like a predator circles their prey. His fingers slipped into the elastic of my panties as he pulled it back and snapped it against my skin. I jumped, and goosebumps littered my arms. Laughing, he sat back at his desk and began eating and looking over papers.

"Be in my room waiting for me. I will come when I'm done working and eating," he said. 

PossessionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz