Chapter 20

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The last two days had been filled with a lot of crying, more so from me than Vic, but he did shed a tear or two, passionate kisses, and of course, lots of sex. Although, it could be considered "love making", but that was too mushy for us, but no ropes or whips or toys were involved. It was just me, him, lube, and a box of condoms, which we managed to finish off in those two days. Now Vic and I were stood by the front door, hugging the life out of each other.

"I'll be back soon, okay? I'll miss you so much. I will try to call you every night. Remember, it's only a week," Vic said as he stroked my hair. I was trying to hold back my sobs because I knew he didn't like it when he cried, and I didn't want to send him off with the image of my tear-stained face on his mind.

"Okay, it'll be okay. I'll miss you, too, and try not to have too much fun without me." I told him, trying to lighten the mood. We both pulled back and shared a weak smile. He kissed me gently, leaving his lips on mine momentarily before pulling away. He shot a look to his brother, who had been standing nearby, before grabbing his suitcase and exiting the house. I closed and locked the door behind him, wanting to chase after him and beg him to take me with him. I could sense Mike's presence near me, so without a word, I darted up to Vic's bedroom and locked the door behind me. Just as a precaution, I pushed one of the armchairs that he had in his room against the door. I lied down on the bed and took in Vic's scent. I had been sleeping with him in his room for the last week, and I felt as though we could potentially try a real relationship when he returned. I hadn't outright told him how I felt for him, but I figured he knew from how I acted around him. I also hadn't yet brought up how I wanted for us to be boyfriends, but I promised myself I would when he got back. Until then, I could fantasize about all the cute dates he would take me on. I probably shouldn't be getting my hopes up, just in case, but my feelings for Vic were growing stronger everyday, and I desperately wanted to be with him as more than just cuddling fuck buddies.

I opened my eyes to find that sunlight was no longer streaming through Vic's window and realised that I must have fallen asleep. I stretched out my arms and legs before hopping up and walking over to the door. I pushed the chair away from the door as quietly as I could and listened. I didn't hear much activity, other than the beep of the washing machine going off downstairs and the quiet footsteps of the slaves making dinner. I carefully opened the door, looked both ways, and ventured out. I scurried downstairs and into the kitchen. The sweet smell of crab hit my nose, and my stomach grumbled. I sat down on a stool at the island in the kitchen and watched everyone whirl around and cook. There were three slaves currently in the kitchen, and I suppose the others were still doing chores or were in there rooms for the night. Luckily, the three in the kitchen were some that I had previously talked to and had formed somewhat of a friendship with. They were also some of the few that didn't resent me for getting out of slavery and becoming more equal to Vic.

"Hey, Kellin, how are you feeling? I know it must be tough with Master Michael back, but if anything happens, you can come to me," Otto asked as he walked past me to retrieve some tomatoes from a bowl on the counter. I couldn't respond because I had burst into laughter. His long, curly hair was up in a big bun, and he had a red bandana just above his hairline like a headband. He look like Rosie the Riveter, and I couldn't help but to giggle at the comparison. I finally got myself under control enough to answer his question.

"I think I'm going to be okay. Vic told me he would talk to Mike, so he might leave me alone. Thank you for asking." Otto nodded in response, continuing to gather vegetables from their various spots in bowls on the counter and in the fridge.

"So what are you guys making?" Motioning to the pots and pans on sitting on the stove.

"We are making raviolis di granchio," Awsten told me in a bad Italian accent. I raised my eyebrow at him.

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