Chapter 11

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I didn't know for sure if I would be able to post this chapter tomorrow, so I'm not risking it and posting now. 


For the rest of the day, everyone just finished up their chores. I hadn't seen Mike at all, but perhaps that was because I was cooped up in my room. I had only left for dinner, but that went by quickly, and I was now trapped in my thoughts once again. I was going through everything that had led me here, and tears began to prick at my eyes. I wiped them away before they could fall and decided I was in need of a distraction. I quietly left my room, walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. I used to bake with my mom all the time when I was younger, so that's what I would do now. I felt a wave of sadness wash over me at the realisation that I would never bake with my mom again, but I pushed that aside and pulled out everything I needed. I decided on sugar cookies because I had my mom's recipe memorized. I laid out all of the ingredients and tools on the counter in front of me. I preheated the oven and carefully measured out all the flour and eggs and milk, pouring it into a large mixing bowl and adding all the other parts shortly after. Once everything was nicely mixed together, I decided I wanted to make little cutouts, so I needed to roll out the dough. Sadly I couldn't find a rolling pin, which didn't surprise me. I couldn't imagine a big, tough gang leader like Vic using a rolling pin to make cute, little cookies. The mental image made me giggle as I continued to search for something I could use to flatten out the dough. I eventually ended up using a cup, turning it on its side and pressing the dough into a sheet. I used a small kitchen knife to make little shapes like stars and moons. Luckily I remembered to sprinkle flour onto the counter before rolling the dough, so the cookies came off easily. The oven beeped right as I began to put them onto a baking sheet that I had prepped already. Once the cookies were safely inside the oven, I went to wash up. I turned around and shrieked, as Mike was leaning on the counter right in front me. He chuckled as my hand flew to my chest, and I glared at him. 

"You scared me! How long have you been standing there?" I questioned, displeased with his amusement towards my high-pitched yell. 

"Just long enough to watch your amazing ass as you bent over to slide those cookies in," he replied, smirking at me and letting his eyes wander down my body. I felt uncomfortable, so I wrapped my arms around myself and turned away from him slightly. I didn't say anything, though, I didn't want him to get angry and make Vic punish me. He just clicked his tongue and shook his head at me. 

"No need to be so shy, Princess. I'm just here to admire the beauty in life," he told me, winking at me again. I felt my cheeks turn pink, but I still didn't uncurl my arms from my body. I didn't really appreciate his words, but I decided it was best to just let him flirt. He'd be gone in two days anyway, and it wasn't like he could do anything to me. I belonged to Vic, and I had a feeling that Vic didn't like sharing. He just continued to stare at my body as I started to clean up. I was reaching out closer to where his arms were resting on the counter to wipe off some remaining flower when he grasped my outstretched wrist. This pulled my hips against the counter, and I found myself face-to-face with him. 

"U-um could you pl-ease let go? I n-need to clean-n this up," I told him nervously, trying to carefully get my hand out of his hold. 

"I have a better idea, Princess." He had a glint in his eyes that made me want to hide in a corner, but I couldn't free myself. Mike leaned in and smashed our lips together. At first I froze, not knowing what to do, but then I began to try and fight against him. He then pulled me around the counter and to his chest. One arm held me by my waist, and the other wandered down to my ass. He gripped it, making me squeak. Still trying to pull away from him, I reached around and smacked his hand. He just kissed me harder, trying to shove his tongue into my mouth. I considered biting it, but I didn't want to anger Vic. It was odd that I would be thinking about Vic whilst trying to escape from this crazy bitch. I beat my fists on his chest, trying everything in my weak, noodle-armed power to force him off of me. The guy looked like a stick, but he was quite strong, but then again, everyone was strong compared to me. He finally pulled back for a breath but quickly recovered and start sucking on my neck. I kept trying and trying to get him to stop and let me go. I began to yell for someone to help me. A few of the other slaves peeked their heads in, but all they did was give me a sympathetic look and walk away. 

Tears began to prick at my eyes when Mike picked me up and carried me towards the bedrooms. He opened the door to the room he was staying in and tossed me on the bed. I scrambled to get up and run away, but he soon came over and straddled me. He started kissing my neck again, and his hands ran up and down my body. I restrained myself from moaning, but even if I didn't want this, the hickeys left a pleasurably tingle on my skin. Mike sat up slightly and tore the lacy top of my lingerie in half. I watched him toss the torn scraps to the floor with wide eyes. My fear became even stronger as I realised that this was actually going to happen. 

Mike worked his was down my body, leaving little kisses and hickeys down my chest. I writhed on the sheets in a sad attempt to wriggle away from Mike. He kissed all the way down to the little bow on the front of my panties. He takes the waistband between his teeth and seductively pulls them down. My semi-hard dick is freed, and I was ashamed that I had even part of a boner. I shouldn't be enjoying this, but I couldn't help my body's response. Mike just left my panties at my ankles, which made it even harder for me to move. As he moved back up my body, I attempted to knee him so I could escape. Unfortunately that just irritated him because he slapped me and put more weight on my legs. I whimpered as my cheek burned and stopped struggling. I knew there was no saving me now, so I just tried to block out all sensations. Mike quickly undressed himself and slammed into me. I cried out from the white hot flares shooting through my body. I was incredibly angry that he didn't even have the decency to use lube or a condom. He just ignored my pained squeals and pounded into me, moaning and grunting my name. 

Shortly after, he came into me. I had tears streaming down my face as I felt him let go inside me, and I wanted to throw up. He slapped my ass before telling me to get out. I began to get up, but I couldn't move very fast due to all the pain in my legs and lower back. That pissed Mike off, so he just grabbed me and threw me out of his room. I landed right on my ass, and that made me cry harder. I could barely move, but I managed to crawl to my bedroom just down the hall. I wormed my way over to the shitty mattress and curled up as much as I could. I didn't bother cleaning myself up or putting on clothes, I just wanted to sleep and forget about everything that had happened to me these past few weeks. I hoped that I would stay forever in the comforting darkness that held me in my sleep. 

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