Chapter 19

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"Oh, Vic," I moaned out as he finally let me come. Vic had been teasing me for so long, and I couldn't do anything about it seeing as how he had cuffed my wrists and ankles to the bed posts. After he had cleaned us up, he unlocked the handcuffs and carried me to his bedroom. I had spent a lot of time in here, and not all of it was spent fucking. We had cuddled a few times, and the simple memory of that was enough to make me feel content and warm. He lied down on the bed and pulled me to his chest. I sighed peacefully, feeling our heartbeats slow from the activities we had done that afternoon. I looked up at Vic and found him looking down at me. I went to peck his cheek, but he ducked away. I furrowed my brows at him. I knew he didn't really want me to kiss him properly yet, so I usually stuck to his cheek and forehead, but he never pulled away from that. I wondered if he was deciding that he only wanted me for sex. I sat up quickly, suddenly afraid that he would once again only see me as a slave. We had come so far in our relationship that my feelings had grown to being near love. I hadn't told Vic yet, but I had considered that maybe he liked me back, but now I was rethinking everything I had fantasized about for weeks. 

"Why did you pull away? Do- do you not like me anymore?" I felt myself get choked up. It irritated me that I let him affect me this much, but I couldn't help it anymore. I was slowly, but surely falling in love with him. 

"Kellin, no, it's not like that. The problem is completely the opposite," he explained, brushing his fingertips lightly over my cheek. Even though I was upset with him, I couldn't keep myself from leaning into his touch. "I actually do like you, a lot. I haven't liked anyone for a very long time, let alone someone who used to be a slave. It is scary, and I also need to tell you something that I know you won't like, and I don't want you to hate me for it." I now felt sympathetic. Normally when I think of Vic, I think of this fearless, endlessly tough guy who is near emotionless and could handle anything, but really he is still human and has fears and feelings. I hugged him tightly, and all sadness I had melted away. I couldn't believe he liked me back. I couldn't screamed, but my voice was already a whisper from the more sexual screaming I had been doing earlier. To express my happiness, I went to pepper his face in light kisses before realising what he had said. 

"Wait, why would I hate you? And what do you need to tell me?" I questioned. I didn't think I could hate Vic. After all, if I didn't hate him anymore for kidnapping and hurting me, I doubted that I would in the future. Unless he broke my heart, but why would he do that if he just admitted his own feelings toward me? I patiently awaited his answer. He too sat up, right next to me, and ran a hand through his wild sex hair. He took both of my hands in his and turned to face me, looking deep into my eyes. 

"Kellin, I have work to do, right? I have to pay for this house, food, all the cute things I am going to spoil you with," I blushed but nodded, wanting him to continue, "Well, part of my job is sometimes to travel." He paused for a moment, looking at me as if I could read his mind. I stared at him blankly, wishing he could just get to the point because he was worrying me.

"Um, see, I don't like to have the house unattended while I am gone, so someone will be here to watch over the slaves and you." That's when it dawned on me. Vic was trying to warn me that Mike would be here again. I drew in a sharp breath and felt my hands start to shake in Vic's grasp. 

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry. I don't have anyone else who can watch it, and I trust you, but I don't want to overwhelm you with the task of watching over everybody and ensuring the house is safe. I have a lot of enemies, and I need to know that this place is safe while I am gone. I need someone experienced to protect this house, as well as you. I have already considered taking you with me, but it's too dangerous. I'm sorry," he pulled me into a hug, but I didn't move. I could feel myself breaking down; it was all too much to handle. I couldn't catch my breath, and black spots began to intrude on my vision. Vic pushed me away and tried to get me to breathe with him to calm down, but I was too far gone. His face faded away, and the last thing I remembered was my limp body hitting the mattress. 

When I woke up, Vic was pacing the room anxiously, and it sounded as though he was talking to himself. I went to speak, but all I could manage was a coughing fit. He turned around and rushed over to me, handing me a glass of water that was on the bedside table. I guzzled it down and felt my throat feel less like it was full of cotton balls. 

"When are you leaving?" I mumbled, not really wanting to know the answer, but my anxiety got the best of me. 

"Two days," he said ashamedly. My eyes nearly popped out of my head at his response. 

"If you didn't even want to bring this up today, when the fuck did you plan on telling me?" I growled, standing up and looking down at him. He stared at his lap, probably feeling bad, but I didn't care. I was absolutely furious. Was he just going to pack his bags, kiss me goodbye, and briefly mention my rapist  would be babysitting? 

"Babe, I'm sorry. I was worried about how you react, and I was trying to figure out the best way to tell you," he explained, trying to calm me down. I sighed and returned to my spot next to him on the bed. Vic pulled me onto his lap and held me, neither of us speaking. 

After a long silence, Vic whispered, "I will make sure that he doesn't do anything, okay? It will be alright?" 


Bam, look who's back! My laptop has been returned to me and is working beautifully, so I will be updating regularly again. Also, how about Mike coming back? Damn, Vic, is that a risk you are really willing to take? I guess you guys will have find out. I hope you enjoyed this long overdue update. See ya soon!

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