Chapter 22

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It had been a few weeks since we admitted our feelings for each other, just in time for the holidays. Everyone, including the slaves, was sat in the living room, curled up with hot chocolate and watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Of course, I was snuggled into Vic's side, glancing around occasionally. I couldn't help but notice how Awsten was pressed up against Geoff with a huge smile on his face. I looked up at Vic, taking in his beautiful features. I pressed a soft kiss to his jaw, bringing his attention away from the movie.

"I love you," I whispered to him.

"I love you too," he replied, pecking my lips twice before we went back to watching the movie. Once it had ended, we all cleaned up the blankets that were strewn everywhere and went to our respective rooms. Vic and I joined hands as we went upstairs, swinging them between us as we walked. Once we entered the bedroom, I was tossed onto the bed, bouncing across the mattress. I blew the hair out of my eyes and glared up at a chuckling Vic.

"What was that for, you twat?" I demanded. I had felt so peaceful and sleepy from watching the movie, and now my serenity was gone.

"Because you're cute when you get mad," he said sweetly, leaning in to hold me. I pulled away and pouted. He laughed again and headed towards the en suite.

"While you sit here and sulk, I'm going get ready for bed, alright?" I rolled my eyes at his back and got up. I stripped off my clothing and threw everything into the closet. Returning to the bed, I got under the covers and purposely pulled all of the blankets to my side. Vic would pay for being an asshole. A cute asshole, but an asshole nonetheless. The light emanating from the bathroom went off as Vic reentered the bedroom, walking over to the bed. He tutted as he sat down, and I could feel his eyes on me.

"Taking all of the blankets? That's low, babe. I'm going to freeze!" Vic whined. I smirked to myself, pleased with my devious idea.

"Well, while you sit there and sulk, I'm going to bed," I told him haughtily.

"Using my own words against me," he gasped, "Who are you, and what have you done to my sweet Kellin?" He grabbed my waist and pulled me to him, nuzzling his face into my neck. I had to fight back a smile at his cuteness.

"You started it," I said childishly, sticking my tongue out even though I doubted he could see it.

"Don't stick that tongue out unless you're willing to use it," he said into my ear, his hot breath giving me goosebumps, and his words making me shiver. My tongue slipped back into my mouth, too tired to suck his dick. I rolled over, bored of pretending to be angry at him and wanting to cuddle. He smirked at my relenting and pulled me closer to him.

"I knew you'd come around, Princess," he told me. He kissed my head, and we closed our eyes.

"Kellin, Vic, wake up! It's Christmas, assholes!" I didn't want to open my eyes, so I blindly swatted my hand around, trying to slap whoever had dared to wake us up. The bed dipped with added weight as someone crawled over toward us. More weight came on, meaning it was multiple people. They began bouncing on their hands and knees, causing Vic to grumble as he woke up. I opened my eyes and met his, still clouded with sleep. We both looked up to find Geoff, Otto, and Awsten jumping around hysterically. I rolled my eyes at them and glanced at the clock next to the bed.

"You three morons decided to wake us up at six fucking thirty?" I couldn't believe I was even thinking properly at this ungodly hour. I was definitely going to get revenge on them. Maybe Vic and I should fuck on the counter again. I peered back at Vic to find him fully awake. He smiled at me and sat up, pulling me with him. I let out a long whine until he kissed me, making me feel a little better. We both got out of bed and chased the three troublemakers out of our room. I went to the closet to get dressed and was picking out my favourite Christmas sweater when I felt hands on my hips.

"Merry Christmas, darling," Vic said. I turned around in his arms and rested mine on his shoulders, toying with his messy hair.

"Merry Christmas," I echoed, pulling him in for a loving kiss. When we pulled away, we went our separate ways to brush our hair and get dressed. Finally, we went downstairs to find everyone chatting away around the giant tree in the entryway. Boxes and bags gleamed around the bottom, shining with glitter and bows and ribbons. A gigantic grin made its way onto my face as I bit back a squeal. I yanked Vic up to the tree, eager to open presents.

"C'mon, Vic, let's get started," I screeched excitedly. Everyone turned their attention towards us, waiting for the first present to be opened. Vic looked at me with a lopsided smile and motioned for me to give him my present. I grabbed the silver box I had carefully wrapped and handed it to him. I bit my lip in anticipation. It had taken me forever to figure out what I was going to get him, but when I found this, I knew it would be perfect. He ripped open the paper and pulled the lid off of the box. He pulled out the contents, and his face lit up. I had gotten him a black, genuine leather wallet with his initials stamped on the front corner. He opened it, and a picture fell out. It was a picture we had taken just last week, with me on his lap laughing wildly and him grinning at me. I had rushed to get it developed before all the stores closed for the holidays, and luckily I had gotten there just in time. Vic picked up the picture and studied it, the smile only growing bigger and bigger. He finally looked up at me and gave me a big bear hug. I threw my arms around him, ecstatic that he liked my present.

"Thank you, baby, I love it." Everyone cooed at us before grabbing the presents they had gotten for each other. The rest of the morning was a cacophony of tissue paper, glasses clinking and words of gratitude. At some point, someone had turned on some music, and we all ended up dancing like crazy people in the front hallway. After the excitement died down and the garbage was tossed, we all went about our business of hanging out, eating, and watching Christmas movies. Right in the middle of devouring some delicious pie, Vic beckoned to me from upstairs. Giving my pie a longing glance, I went up and followed him into our bedroom. He shut the door behind us and gave me a sweet kiss.

"I have something for you," he told me. My eyebrows went up in confusion. Vic had showered me with gifts earlier, so what could he possibly have now? He went into the closet and came back with a long, thin box wrapped in metallic red paper.

"Open it," he commanded with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. I carefully removed the wrapping paper and pulled it away from the box. Opening it, my eyes landed on the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. The box held a gorgeous necklace, a small silver key charm with a sparkling emerald on either side of the keyhole. Tears pricked my eyes, sparking some concern from Vic. I couldn't bring myself to let out the words building up inside of me, so I grabbed Vic's face and kissed him as passionately as I could. He immediately returned the kiss, and we stood there kissing like a couple of weirdos. When we pulled back, I looked up at him, and I still couldn't find just the right thing to say.

"Thank you so much. I love it; I love you," I settled for, even though those words didn't cover the emotions I was experiencing in that moment. Vic motioned for me to turn around, and he took the necklace out of my grasp. He gently lifted my hair and clasped the chain around my neck. When I turned to face him again, he had a look of absolute love on his face that made my heart do a backflip. I couldn't have had a better Christmas in my life, shared with everyone I had become friends with and the man I loved. Things were finally looking up for me.

Happy Holidays to everybody! I hope you're all having a wonderful time, and I hope you enjoyed this ooey, gooey, cheesy chapter. I thought they should have a cute Christmas moment to make up for all the shit I put them through in this story. The next update will be the final installment of Possession, so brace yourselves. See ya soon!

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